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Posted by Mishelle, 22 November 2015 · 606 views

Has anyone ever had to break up with a friend? I think I'm going to have to break up with Aurora.


Ive already written about 2 pump. Quick recap for anyone who doesn't know, 2 pump is this slim shady trailer trash looking motherfucker that Aurora has been sleeping with for 2 years. He has a girlfriend who he has no intentions of leaving and Aurora is constantly complaining about him. She complains about the disrespectful ways he asks her to come fuck. Complains about his attitude, complains about him sending mixed signals. Sorry sis but if a dude has been fucking you for 2 years he's not leaving his girlfriend. and there's another guy named Kurt who again only shows up to fuck and she complains about how he goes months without talking to her. Um well if you keep letting a guy go months without talking to you and still fucking him every time he comes back why would you think he's going to stop? He has no reason to, he's always getting what he wants. And let us not forget PrisonBae. The guy who is in prison for getting high off meth and robbing a convenience store and all of a sudden when he gets sent to prison he wants to reach out and have a relationship with her. And she really thinks this guy is her actual boyfriend and that they're going to have a relationship when he gets out in a year.


I've told her a million times that these dudes are just using her for sex and entertainment. Notice how these dudes only contact you when they need something. PrisonBae is in prison, he doesn't have fuck else to do with his time and yet he's still gone months without talking to her. He said it was because he was in solitary confinement. So not only is he in prison but he doesn't even seem to be using his time productively to fix his life in prison. He's in there fucking up!


So finally I told her that if she's not going to help herself and get rid of these dudes who she clearly has issues with I don't want to hear about them. I don't want to hear about them. I have no interest in them and watching you do the same stupid shit with the same stupid people over and over again is boring. She said she knows I've been saying the same thing and getting more aggressive about it every time. I'm getting aggressive with you because you're being aggressively stupid. You're 24 years old, it's time to take some fucking responsibility for your life. She said that she knows and she's trying. I told her I don't understand why you have to TRY to stay away from dudes who treat you like shit. It should be pretty simple. She tried to blame her lack of self control. She's all "I wish I could be like you but I can't. If I had self control I would weigh a lot less"


Like are you kidding me? You don't need self control, you need some self esteem if you really think it's a challenge to stop fucking dudes who treat you like you're disposable.


Now she's jealous because I've started hanging out with new friends. My new friends like to go out and have fun. My new friends like to socialize and she doesnt. She never wanted to go out with me but now that I'm going out with other people she wants to feel a type of way about it. She does this thing where she will randomly show up at my home unannounced and I told her she needs to call and ask because I'm not always home and there have been multiple instances where she's showed up at my house and I was out with my other friends. WE HAVE PHONES FOR A REASON, USE THEM FOR MORE THAN YOUR HOTLINE BLING, KTHNX.


My birthday was when shit really hit the fan and I made the decision that I wasn't fucking with her anymore. I wanted to go to the trampoline park. She showed up with Liv and I showed up with John. My cousin Draya showed up later. Aurora immediately walks in "where is everyone else?" Clearly they couldn't make it. Most of my friends are broke like me and they don't have cars so they said they would show up if they could make it. Plus it doesn't matter if they showed up or not, you did. But her and Liv refused to jump. How are you going to show up to a trampoline park and just sit there? So of course I was annoyed that I had 5 people but only me and John actually jumped but me and John still had a blast, we always do.


Then after I was done jumping for an hour and 15 minutes I was tired. I'm fat ok, I needed to catch my breath. She asked me how I was doing and I told her that I was fine. She asked what we were doing after and I told her I wanted to go to dinner. On the way out I asked if she and Liv were coming to dinner and she said "I don't know, I'll let you know when we're on our way" why not just let me know now? Why are you acting like a cunt because all of my attention isn't on you at my birthday party that you're not even participating in? Why did you even show up?


So we get to the restaurant and I asked her if they were coming so I knew how many seats to ask for for a table. She basically told me that Liv doesn't want to go and she doesn't either because she's feeling sick and she'll give me my present later. Then she had the nerve to text me the next day asking me if we're still cool because she doesn't want to lose anymore friends (she only has me and Liv left, she doesn't have anymore friends because she pulls stupid shit like this) and I basically dragged her and gave her a list of grievances as to why no, we're actually not cool. I got stuck in fucking Oceanside at 2 am for your fucking birthday and you can't even jump on a trampoline and go to dinner for mine? Really bitch? Fuck you.


She tried to say that I was acting icy toward her at the trampoline park and when Liv decided she didn't want to go to dinner she didn't want to go because she would feel like an awkward outsider because I'm so close to John and my cousin.


WHY ARE YOU MAKING MY BIRTHDAY ABOUT YOU THO? Obviously I invited you because I wanted you there. She pulls the same shit with me and Willie. She refuses to hang out with the both of us because she doesn't get our inside jokes and because we're such close friends she feels like a third wheel. They're called inside jokes for a reason tho. And we never exclude her from anything she purposely excludes herself but then complains about feeling like an outsider. Of course you're going to feel that way when you go out of you way to be an awkward outsider. So after that i was pretty much done. I just told her "I'm sorry you felt that way" and ended the conversation. I didn't talk to her for like a week after that and that bitch went to go see Mockingjay without me when we had plans to see the double feature for a year and then Liv had the AUDACITY to post spoilers on Facebook. I read the books so I knew it was going to happen, but still. Have some decency, hoe.


Last Thursday I went out with my work friends Danielle, Jessica, Josh and Christine for Josh's birthday. I was planning on spending the weekend with them at Danielle's house but on Friday I found out my cousin Kara committed suicide. I went home to lay in bed and cry my eyes out. Aurora is texting me random groupon for wine tasting. She's saying she wants to do that and she wants me to invite my friends (because she doesn't have any). I told her I can't talk about that right now because my cousin just died and I'm trying to make sure my mom, and aunt and everyone is ok.


This bitch shows up to my house unannounced AGAIN. She brought me my birthday gift (vodka and weed) and immediately starts talking about how PrisonBae says they're officially in a relationship (after 2 years of her driving to Northern California to visit his bitch ass in prison, writing him letters and accepting his collect calls. NOW she's his girlfriend, before she was just his "girl")


Ok so I'm telling you my cousin just killed herself and you randomly show up to my house to talk about your deadbeat, meth head prison boyfriend? Get the fuck out of my house. It's at that moment I realized that I was her friend version of 2 pump. I was just there because she has no other options. We don't have a real friendship anymore, I'm just there because it's literally just me and Liv and she's clinging to me because it's easy. And then she got mad at me that I decided to go to LA to see my family for Thanksgiving break because apparently she had all these things she wanted to do and made all of these plans for us (again, not consulting me first). I told her whelp, deal with it. Excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to be with my family when one of them just died. My bad that her death interfered with YOUR plans. At that point I just stopped talking and watched The Vampire Diaries until she left to go do her Lyft job. I know I'm done with someone when I don't give a fuck about them anymore. I don't want to argue with her, I don't want to explain to her to stop being a self centered THOTrocket, I just want her to go away. It sucks because we've been friends for almost 5 years now but what's the point in continuing a friendship when I legitimately can't stand to be around you?


I've never had to break up with a friend before and I have no idea how to go about telling her to kick rocks.

I'm sorry for your loss.


When I broke up with my bff, I just quit talking to her. She lives further away, so it was easier. We're kind of friends again now, but it's been a couple years since we split up and we've both changed a lot since then.

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