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The list of never-ending gratitude

Posted by Shannon, 17 May 2016 · 719 views

whoops i accidentally deleted the first thread i made of this

This list won't mean anything at all to most of you. But this is a personal blog, and I needed to put these thoughts into words. I'll probably update this whenever I need a reality check on how amazing my life is to be surrounded by so many people who make me feel so loved. Emotional rambling begins now.




Thank you for telling me how I took your breath way when the sun hit my face as we walked to upper campus.


Thank you for staying by my bedside day in and day out even though you hate hospitals.


Thank you for sleeping in my dorm with me every night for a month after I was assaulted.


Thank you for crying with me.


Thank you for doing everything in your power to support me from 2,188 miles away.


Thank you for trusting me during the worst night of your life.


Thank you for making me feel special.


Thank you for making me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe.


Thank you for telling me you'd beat the shit out of your teammate for what he did to me.


Thank you for sharing your dreams with me.


Thank you for putting your head on my shoulder after that night at the river.


Thank you for coming back for me.


Thank you for going on surprise adventures with me.


Thank you for wanting to be around me so often.


Thank you for what you said about my photographs.


Thank you for being a man of your word.


Thank you for fixing my fuck ups.


Thank you for loving me unconditionally from the moment I took that blindfold off.


Thank you for fighting for me.


Thank you for wanting me to experience the things you love.


Thank you for the passion you put into your classes.


Thank you for always absentmindedly playing with my hair.


Thank you for those late night texts.


Thank you for sticking to your guns.


Thank you for reminding me that I'm important.


Thank you for chilling in your room with me whenever your frat house's parties got overwhelming.


Thank you for making me feel cool.


Thank you for that good morning text.


Thank you for giving me a do-over.


Thank you for always reaching for my hand, even though you try to act tough and unaffected.


Thank you for my education.


Thank you for wanting to talk things out even when I didn't.


Thank you for running after that golf cart ambulance.


Thank you for stopping me in my tracks on the first day of college to tell me I had beautiful eyes.


Thank you for texting me with news before anyone else.


Thank you for reading my letter to our group when I was crying too hard to do it myself.


Thank you for being my pool partner even though I suck.


Thank you for encouraging me to push myself.


Thank you for your tackle hugs that take me by surprise.


Thank you for never letting me feel alone.


Thank you for making me want to be a better version of myself.


Thank you for showing me your softer side.


Thank you for passing down your most prized possessions to me.


Thank you for coming up to me at that party and telling me you'd always be there for me.


Thank you for swimming out past everyone else with me to play in the waves.


Thank you for not kicking me out of your dorm after six hours straight of It's Always Sunny.


Thank you for pulling me aside during my research project at your temple to teach me a powerful lesson.


Thank you for taking beautiful pictures of me.


Thank you for being the coolest human I've ever met.


Thank you for being the one I compare everyone else to.


Thank you for flashing me that goofy smile of yours during my most vulnerable moments.


Thank you for teaching me to love volunteering.


Thank you for stopping me from making mistake after mistake.


Thank you for making this semester bearable.


Thank you for making my face hurt from smiling so much.


Thank you for saving my life.

I don't know anything about your school, but if there is an NRHH chapter, you should join it.

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