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Midrange Hunter - TGT

Posted by Shane, 20 October 2015 · 713 views

hearthstone tgt

Greetings and welcome!


Just a little Hearthstone update. Today I finally finished the Nax adventure. It was pretty damn fun. It allowed me to finally get this magnificent card, Mad Scientist. It's a crucial card in a few decks that I was just out of reach. Now that I have it, I wanted to post the deck that I have been messing with. It's a general TGT* Midrange Hunter but with a few tech cards. Those would be, Multi-Shot* and Stampeding Kodo*.


My current win rate is 64% at 7 - 4.


*TGT - The Grand Tournament Card Set
**Multi-Shot, spell - deals 3 damage to two random creatures. Costs 4 mana.
***Stampeding Kodo, creature - 3 attack 5 health, destroys an enemy creature with 2 or less health. Costs 5 mana.
Posted Image


1x Hunters Mark
2x Webspinner
1x Bear Trap
2x Freezing Trap
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x King's Elekk
2x Mad Scientist
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Animal Companion
2x Kill Command
1x Unleash the Hounds
2x Houndmaster
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Loatheb
1x Ram Wrangler
1x Stampeding Kodo
2x Savannah Highmane
1x Dr. Boom
1x Ragnaros the Firelord

Pretty good, at least it's not cancer :p Kodo doesn't give beasts charge tho, just destroys a 2 or less attack minion

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Pretty good, at least it's not cancer :p Kodo doesn't give beasts charge tho, just destroys a 2 or less attack minion

Yeah I forgot what rhino 5 mana one it was. :p

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