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I'm so tired.

Posted by Nikiforov, 28 April 2015 · 487 views

I'm not entirely sure what the intentions are with these blogs. Looking around at other peoples', it seems as though they're used as anything from a venting outlet, to a record keeper, to a diary of sorts? I'm unsure. All I know is that I want that shiny achievement... and to get it, I need to make ten blog entries. So I suppose I'm looking at number 2.


I used to like writing. I'm at a point where I don't know if I do, still. I'm pretty sad most of the time, and it gets in the way of writing.


Being sad gets in the way of most things.


I'm still very normal on the outside. I still speak to my friends, I still tend to my family. I still pull myself out of bed, brush my hair, wear nice clothes, put makeup on my face. I go to class. I smile at strangers. It's all so painfully average and normal, so it's really weird to feel like I'm cracking apart on the inside.


Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself, like I'm somewhere above myself looking down at this other person living in my body, and doing the things I do, and living my life. When I feel that way, I look at myself and I think that I look and sound very crazy. I worry that if I stay this way too long, I will push everyone away. I'm so sad most days that after I get ready, and go out, and go to class, and talk to friends, I come home and I lay in bed. Sometimes I cry, but usually I don't. I just lay here for hours, until its time to sleep, and then when I wake up I start the whole cycle over again.


Its a little bit scary to think about how long I've been living this way. How it all seems so normal. If I were to tell anyone else, they would not think it was normal... they would think I am insane. I don't think I'm insane. But I don't know what I am right now. I don't know what else to say.


I really don't know a lot of things.

You're not insane, just depressed. I can relate to pretty much everything you described. You'd be surprised at how many people are out there just going through the motions like you are, quietly suffering. It can get worse (and it does), but it can also get better with the right treatment, so don't give in to living your life this way just because it's become "normal" for you.

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I'm not sure why you are reading this.
I'm not even sure why I made this.
But...welcome to my neocodex blog?

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