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Chapter #2

Posted by Swar, 22 November 2014 · 578 views

As soon as I get out of the truck I see a comet in the sky. Good luck? I don't know, Everything is so weird here.

Whoa, who's this woman and how does she knows my name?! And what is she talking about? "This is going to be our new home!". Our? Wait, is she my mother?

These huge unshirt guys scare me. Apparently they are pokémon too, and they don't speak my language.

Now the woman is talking about "Dad", who I guess is my father? Yeah, she's definitely my mother. Or at least she's supposed to be. I'll call her "mom" from now on.

Another weird thing: there's only one bedroom, it's the whole second floor and it's all mine. Where will mom sleep, in the couch? She told me to set the time on the clock, but I have no idea what time is it now. I guess that doesn't matter anyway. I'll go outside to see if I can find out more about this whole thing.

Mom's calling me to watch the TV, because they are showing the "Petalburg Gym" and dad will be on TV. Is my dad a Personal Trainer? -- Well, it's over, and I didn't get to see dad. He remains mysterious. Now mom is talking about my dad's friend, Professor Birch. Is that the same guy from that video?!


What is wrong with this town? There are just three houses :S One is mine, the other is Professor Birch's and the third says "Professor Birch's Pokémon Lab" in a sign next to it. I'll check inside, maybe there's where the creatures are mutated...

There's a scientist inside. I tried to talk to him, but I didn't understand a thing he said. All I know is that Birch is not here. I'll search in his house.

He's not home either. His wife told me to go upstairs to meet their daughter. I'm scared, but let's see... Wow, she's beautiful :heart: Her laugh is the best thing I've ever seen in my life (not that I remember too much). She wants to be my friend :blush: Wait! She ran to search for her father :( I'll follow her!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Love it! Can't wait for chapters 3+!


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Love it! Can't wait for chapters 3+!



Thank you! Chapter 3 is ready, but I'll wait until tomorrow to post it :)

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Haha this is so cute, keep it up <3

I still have to wait a week for the release :E

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Haha this is so cute, keep it up <3

I still have to wait a week for the release :E


I will, it is very fun to write this :p

Oh really? That's lame!

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