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Chapter #3

Posted by Swar, 23 November 2014 · 380 views

There's someone screaming! I should see what's going on.

It's that guy from the video! He's being chased by what I think it's a wolf. How can I help him?! "Grab a pokéball from my bag" he says. When I open his bag there are three small balls. Each one holds a different creature -- I mean, pokémon. I think I'll grab this blue thing. The Water-type Pokémon - Mudkip

Okay, let's see... I pressed the button, now the ball got bigger. Whoa, that pokémon came out of it! I don't know what to tell him to do D: Do something, Mudkip!

It's spitting water and then the wolf fainted. WTF.

Wait, the Professor knows me too! He told me to go to his lab. I'm scared but I have nothing to lose. I'll follow him then.


After a long talk, I got that Mudkip from earlier and now he's all mine, sweet! I'll name him Darwin.
Birch told me more about pokémon and I'm starting to feel like I've always known about this. I'll try to sleep and see if I can remember more.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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