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AC, Community, Work - A play in three acts

Posted by FelisNoctua, 04 June 2015 · 594 views

cup kiko
About the SSer/AC

About Community
I don't really know if the quota is cumulative, or just per day per team etc. But, I really want to feel I'm doing my part (though, I'm doing it through cheating, hmm). Im so disconnected from the community on Neo, but the one here is actually active and friendly and helpful. I thought I'd abandon all hope ye who enter here etc, since my time on Clraik was so short (but seriously, I really thought I was answering an open question, but the thread was two months old, and that somehow resulted in some belligerent fop nitpicking at me. Tell me I did wrong, sure, even scold me, but nitpicking I do not abide. Either be an adult and get out with it, or just shut up. Seriously. I'm a big girl, I can take being wrong. Ugh.)

ANYWAY. I like these folks, and hope to stick around a while. It's like a little quest, learning the new things they do. Though it would suck to get iced, I feel like, losing the account would hurt only a day or two. I mean, I'm not daft at html etc, so I have my profile and main pet saved so I can host them in memoria if need be. Ok, so it would still suck, but seriously, I have such a huge gamegraveyard already, it would just be one more page.

About Work
Anyway, better get some work. Advisor FINALLY read my work, as I think I mentioned, and yesterday decides that the semester project should be done next Wednesday because he'd finally like to start that paper (and wants it done end of summer, what? You've given me dickall for guidance, let me just pull that out of my ass.)

PS, isn't there supposed to be some little award thing for being a blogger now? I like it though. It's, soothing.

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