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trizzle's trivial troubles

Getting out of ~the funk~

Posted by trizzle, 22 June 2014 · 1584 views
I finished my first year at uni with a set of spectacularly difficult (and disorganised) exams but that was the only negative in what had been an amazing term of partying, studying, new friends and new experiences.

Now I'm home - I'm back in my dinky little village, I have no car, all my friends live at least two or three bus journeys away, I've been tied down to a gazillion shifts at work (because the boss has had two resignations :p ), I'm miserable and generally just feel shitty and lethargic.

So I've wallowed in this for about two weeks and I'm sick of myself. Turned down a couple of opportunities to go out this weekend for no good reason (was even offered a lift there and back) apart from that I felt down and thought I'd spoil the mood. I know I'll regret making choices like that; I already do.

Time to combat the negativity starting with the small things.

Daily goals:
- Exercise (could be a fifteen minute dog walk, or a jog, or a bike ride - just get out of the house and off the computer)
- Read (this one's good because I have a LOAD of books I've been meaning to get to and the summer is the perfect time)
- Text friends back (takes two seconds and there's absolutely no reason not to apart from laziness)
- Eat more fruit and veg (no more instant food laziness. also - cook for mum and dad more often. additionally, vitamins are good for you)
- Take up a sport. I'm thinking raquetball, my dad mentioned he'd like to play sometime.

And in general:
- Make plans with people and stick to them (no letting anxiety win and chickening out)
- Less lying
- Way more self-respect (duh lauren of course you're going to feel like shit if you think you are shit)
- Smile more (((((((((((((((:
- Learn! Do something productive every day. Get on duolingo or read a journal

Hopefully writing this shit out will be helpful in getting it done and not just spending all my non-work minutes moping around the house :D


Posted by trizzle, 18 February 2013 · 644 views

Usually I don't really care about Valentine's day but this year I had a pretty damn good one which consisted of:

>Money in the bank
>Cinema (wreck it ralph is brilliant)
>Bubble bath

All of this I thoroughly enjoyed,

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(apart from the cinema)

This has been a probably unnecessary and unwanted glimpse into the state of my lovelife at the moment.

You're welcome

I has a nail blog

Posted by trizzle, 08 January 2013 · 1478 views

So because I'm super obsessed with nails and nail art and all that sha-bang at the moment I made a nail blog.


If you cba to check it out here is my favourite pretty picture from it from the design I did today... THE HOBBIT NAILS :D

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The Best of My Drunk Texts

Posted by trizzle, 29 December 2012 · 962 views

Christmas morning I woke up with a banging headache, a bin by my bed in case I was sick again (sorry for the visual) and a phone that had a LOAD of unread text messages. Perplexed I picked it up only to discover that I had not only texted a whole butt ton of people but called them as well.

SO without further ado here are some of my favourites out of the lot:

"Once upaadon a trime i hate you xxxxxx"

"Me try to jdtusmyad lpcgs ygighg gxgxgxgxxgx

"murray smas sec god


"Nueeeu Christmas xjolby hahah CATREE xoxo"

"Yes ita, very Lucy indeed! (sarfasith face) thar would have bwwn awkead ad hell"

"give yruor brotuier a bgj kisess frome me xxxxxx"

Lesson learned: don't drink tequila and rum, don't play ring of fire, don't play trivial pursuit shots. Haha. Also: lock your phone with something drunk you can't get passed.
Hope you all had a very lovely, fun Christmas time.

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