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Two Cents

3: A little late to the party...

Posted by bwoke, 15 January 2017 · 1231 views

Hey guys! I doubt any of you guys noticed my little hiatus, but I indeed had one, lol, We kind of just started a new year and I've noticed all these blog posts about their goals in 2017. I'm not a firm believer of this "New Year, New Me" bull but I'll give it a try. This year, I will have it on record with this blog post, so hold me accountable!

  • Do 200 crunches everyday
  • Read any book, for recreation (notice how I didn't say fun lol) every month.
  • Get a 3.5 GPA or higher during my 2nd semester
  • And most importantly...get past 200k NP in my bank.




Hey guys! I doubt any of you guys noticed my little hiatus, but I indeed had one, lol, We kind of just started a new year and I've noticed all these blog posts about their goals in 2017. I'm not a firm believer of this "New Year, New Me" bull but I'll give it a try. This year, I will have it on record with this blog post, so hold me accountable!

  • Finish my semester with a 3.5 GPA or better
  • Do 200 crunches everyday
  • Read any book, for recreation (notice how I didn't say fun lol) every month.
  • Don't stay up pas

2: Why I thought the election turned out like this

Posted by bwoke, 08 November 2016 · 700 views

First of all, I know this is kind of back to back, but oh my god as you know some shit went down biiiiiiiiiiig time. I feel like I should post since my blog is called "two cents" lol.


You know, I already heard MSNBC and the democratic party hint at who they will blame the election loss. ​Millennials and third party voters. In a sense they are right, kind of. Hillary would have won a handful of states with Gary Johnson's votes. However there is a keyword...could.


This particular subject grinds my gears very hard, perhaps even more than Trump winning the candidacy. I just hate the idea of blaming it on us, the third party voters and Millennials.


In my opinion, it was Hillary's fault, her managers, and the DNC. Hillary Clinton pandered to literal fucking NEOCONSERVATIVES, like what kind of fucking democrat would pander to neoconservatives. She was running away from her base, the people that voted for Obama in '12 and '08. She basically abandoned the base of the democratic party because she tried having that "centrist" perspective. It was the DNC's fault for literally backstabbing my homie Bernie Sanders. The fucking angel of our political system, perhaps the only one left. The DNC and Hillary are just a bunch of.....motherfuckers.


It was her fault for being being a lying ass even when she was exposed. It was her fault for deleting 30,000 emails, leaving Americans to die Benghazi. I think she was too old fashioned, she probably thought that saying progressive words to the voters would make her gain them. Have you seen one of her cringy rallies? They offer no substance whats over and, I feel like she is a cheerleader watching them. "Together we can do this!" or "Together we can do that!". People are getting sick of that type of stuff, but she didn't realize this.

  • "Pokemon GO to the polls"
  • When she dabbed on Ellen.


If she thinks that doing that will get her our vote, the millennials, she must be on some stuff dude.


I'm venting right now, my grammar might not be the greatest and my substance might not be the best. I apologize in advance.




1: So this happened...

Posted by bwoke, 08 November 2016 · 671 views

So today in class today we were learning about the Aztecs and how brutal they were. How they ripped the hearts out of their human sacrifices and eat it, in hopes of gaining the persons attributes. Some pretty graphic stuff.


In the middle of this lecture about the human sacrifices, I just burst out laughing, not a small chuckle, but I laugh for a good 2 and a half minutes. Now, I'm not the most social person so almost everyone doesn't know this about me, but I have tourrettes. Basically, I sometimes move my eyebrows excessively, and laugh for no reason, involuntary. After I laughed, the whole class just looked at me with disgust, I knew exactly what they were thinking.


By the end of the day, this little incident was known across the school, especially my grade. Now I'm an insensitive prick with a fucked up sense of humor. I'm kind of used to being that weird guy (not to be cheesy or anything) but like, an asshole insensitive prick isn't one I would not like having.


I have come to terms with my disease, but god I fucking hate it more often than not.




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