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Quitting Smoking pt. 4

Posted by Yung, 19 May 2013 · 996 views

quitting habit smoking blah blah blah

I'm having a much harder time today keeping myself distracted. I did make it through the entire day without a piece of gum nor a patch. I got a ton of work done and broke 100 posts on here for the first time ever.


I'm still having trouble sleeping, I'm still not eating enough to compensate for not smoking... I expect I'll start eating more in a day or two. I've found that I need to be keeping busy and if I'm not doing that I feel like I'm quite literally crawling out of my skin.


broke 100 posts on here for the first time ever.


That is definitely a lie.


But who gives a fuck. Great job quitting smoking! It's a huge money saver in the end.

/adds "It gets Better" spheal here. 

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I meant 100 posts in a day. :p I do hope it gets better soon...
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I stand firm on my statement. I remember a time long ago when all the "View New Content" came from a certain someone. 


But regardless, you can do it, man. Think of all the useless junk you can buy with all the money saved from not buying packs of cigs like a golden astrolabe or a platinum toilet plunger.

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I was thinking food and gardening supplies myself. :p
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I want a platinum toilet plunger.
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So far I've paid for my patches and gum since quitting.

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