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Crap...I'm cosplaying it.

Belle's Once upon a time dress : the corset (part I)

Posted by Liesa, 02 April 2017 · 1400 views

Today I finally found some free time. I've got my easter break, my internship is on hold for 2 weeks,... It's finally beautiful weather. All things that make my fingers itch to start cosplaying. I replaced my old belle wig and ordered a beautiful lace front one which still needs to be styled.


But for now, the corset.

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Just to give you an idea how little time I've had. I ordered my patterns in January ;.; I've been eyeing this sitting in my closet forever. Today I finally could get started, and not much too soon since the con is 2 weeks away. Posted Image

I made a quick mockup and grew so frustrated with it. I was sure I'd taken my measurements right, picked the right size of the patterns and still it was sooo huge. Note to self: if it says seam allowance included, believe it and don't add another inch :rolleyes:

So after that stupid mistake was fixed, this was the mockup. I didn't bother stitching it, so it looks ill fitting but when it's all in place, it's perfect.




Onto the proper fabric then, plus the lining plus interlining. I've gotta get this baby stiff and sturdy. I have decided on no boning since I'll be wearing an underbust underneath and it's just a waste then.


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Tomorrow I'll go buy everything else I still need: gromlets or eyelets, laces and bias tape. I found wonderful fake leather one <3
Wednesday I can continue with the corset & blouse (which are really more sleeves and a collar) & hopefully start on the skirt.

I'll keep you all updated.

April 2017


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