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Daily Puzzle

??? Today's Answer

Answer: ???
Prize: ???

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Date Question Answer Prize
+ Which of the following is NOT a type of Doughnutfruit? 350 (Noitidart)
+ How many snowmen must you protect in Snow Wars II? 350 NP (Map)
+ What colour of Bruce is on the cover of The Bruce Book? 350 NP
+ What flavour of ice cream scoops must be dodged in Level 5 of Ice Cream Machine? 325 NP (Map)
+ How many points are Snowbunnies worth in Snow Roller? 375 NP (Map)
+ What flavour is the icing on the Snowberry Delight? 350 NP (finder86)
+ How long will blowing the French Horn of Winter impress your friends? 375 NPs (finder86)
+ What is the price marked on the Wintery Petpet Shop Stamp? 325 NP (Justiin)
+ How many stories are collected in Time for Xweetok Talk? 350 NP (Map)
+ Which of the following Neopian species CANNOT be painted Royalboy? 300 np (Map)
+ What is on the Usul Ski Ear Warmers? 325 NP
+ Which of the following plushies is worth the LEAST in Freaky Factory? 375 NP
+ Which of the following is NOT one of Orvinn the First Mate's favourite types of food? 400 NP (finder86)
+ A Greeble's tongue is how many feet long? 375 NP
+ Which of the following is NOT an air faerie? 350 NP (finder86)
+ Which of the following fruits can the Tropical Food shopkeeper be seen holding? 350 (Pafs)
+ What flavour is the Autumn Usuki Cake? 325 NP (finder86)
+ Of the following, who is NOT a member of Sophie's family? 375 NP (finder86)
+ How many new players had joined Kreludor's Yooyuball team when they returned in Y10? 400 NP
+ The Maraquan Petpets shopkeeper is a member of which Neopian species? 300 NP (finder86)
+ Which of the following Petpets has NOT been featured on a stained glass window? 375 NP (finder86)
+ According to his nametag, what is the name of the Neopian Garden Centre shopkeeper? 350 NP (finder86)
+ What flavour is the Blue 8 Neopets 8th Birthday Cake? 325 NP
+ What is the Winter Fun Usul Gnome holding? 350 NP
+ Which of the following members of the Mystery Island Yooyuball team is NOT painted Island? 400 NP
+ How many gems must be collected in Level 2 of Hannah and the Kreludor Caves? 375 NP (finder86)
+ Who is the main character of Elephante Dreams? 400 NP (finder86)
+ Which is of the following is NOT an ingredient in Sutek Muffins? 325 NP (finder86)
+ Mutant Day is celebrated during which Neopian month? 275 NP (finder86)
+ What is the price listed on the Rainbow Pteri Feather Stamp? 400 NP (finder86)

About The Daily Puzzle

This page keeps track of the Daily Puzzles found on the Pet Central page of Neopets. Automaticallly the system will get the question and the answer. Sometimes it will get the prize but not everytime. Users like you can help keep the prize database complete by submitting it. Trophies are awarded for most helpful members!

What are Daily Puzzles?
It is a poll found on the Neopets Pet Central page. Click Here to visit Pet Central. Each day you have one chance to get the answer correct. If you get it correct, you are awarded a prize. This prize is same for all winners. After you send in an answer you will be shown if you got it right or not, and on consequent visits to Pet Central you will see a Daily Poll in its place until the next day when you can try another puzzle!

Why a range for the date?
The logs are kept track in NST (Neopian Standard Time) because the events take place according to this timezone. For instance, if Tarla is not coming today, the ???, then there will be no drop in that 24 hour period no matter which timezone you are in. So if your timezone does not match NST (PST) it will show the corresponing range. An example using today's date and your timezone settings:

  • NST Date = ??? 12:00:00 AM - ??? 11:59:59 PM
  • PST Date = April 24, 2024 12:00:00 AM - April 24, 2024 11:59:59 PM
  • Your Date = -- - January 1, 1970 3:59:59 PM

All drop times will be in your timezone settings. You can change your timezone by going to your Board Settings.