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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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4th day of Running, Y14 March 4, 2012
Across Down
No Data
3rd day of Running, Y14 March 3, 2012
Across Down
No Data
2nd day of Running, Y14 March 2, 2012
Across Down
No Data
1st day of Running, Y14 March 1, 2012
Across Down
No Data
29th day of Awakening, Y14 February 29, 2012
Across Down
No Data
25th day of Awakening, Y14 February 25, 2012
Across Down
No Data
24th day of Awakening, Y14 February 24, 2012
Across Down
No Data
23rd day of Awakening, Y14 February 23, 2012
Across Down
No Data
22nd day of Awakening, Y14 February 22, 2012
Across Down
No Data
21st day of Awakening, Y14 February 21, 2012
Across Down
No Data
20th day of Awakening, Y14 February 20, 2012
Across Down
No Data
19th day of Awakening, Y14 February 19, 2012
Across Down
3. bit (Falafel)
4. ppl
6. talisman (Falafel)
7. plesio
10. wheel (finder86)
12. crisis
1. ruki (nutz4ferrets)
2. lyins
3. blurgah (finder86)
5. ???
7. pteri (jcrdude)
8. ???
9. chia
10. web
11. acko
February 18, 2012
Across Down
3. kass
7. mynci (Noitidart)
8. mira (esilim)
10. shenkuu (Susie)
11. neodeck (Noitidart)
14. dua (explicit)
15. nox
1. yes
2. skulls (Susie)
4. shops ? (xXxDeexXx)
5. gympu (jcrdude)
6. avinroo
9. roo (jcrdude)
12. cyan
13. box
17th day of Awakening, Y14 February 17, 2012
Across Down
4. snow (Falafel)
5. uni
6. jellybeans (Noitidart)
8. egg
9. eyrieki
11. zarex
12. water (iomega)
13. ixi (Hydrogen)
1. holly (Hydrogen)
2. sitar
3. house ([Member Deleted])
6. judge
7. ???
9. ember (finder86)
10. eizzil
16th day of Awakening, Y14 February 16, 2012
Across Down
4. ixi (WeirdChick)
6. naia (Plueschmensch)
8. bit (Falafel)
9. tasting
11. sloth (finder86)
12. blue (Noitidart)
13. galem (cakebake2490)
1. gwernial
2. kevin (Rauul)
3. hissi
5. draik (Rauul)
7. aisha
9. three (Crystal1213)
10. gelert
14. air
15th day of Awakening, Y14 February 15, 2012
Across Down
3. judge
5. lupe
6. eye (Noitidart)
10. torshac
11. orange (Falafel)
12. cybit
13. shrine (TehKristin)
15. geb
1. silver
2. one
4. green
7. pteri (jcrdude)
8. radiance
9. tooth
14. half
14th day of Awakening, Y14 February 14, 2012
Across Down
4. chocolate (AhnJinMi)
5. cube
9. werhond (Noitidart)
11. ???
14. sitar
15. geb
1. box
2. aaa (TheWu)
3. techo
6. undo (Bara)
7. ???
8. music (Noitidart)
10. dua (explicit)
12. ???
13. rise
13th day of Awakening, Y14 February 13, 2012
Across Down
4. ouch (finder86)
6. draik
8. one (Hydrogen)
9. koi (Hydrogen)
10. fufonlui
12. thar (jcrdude)
13. ???
1. roodoku
2. milo (chellybellychizza)
3. underneath (Lando)
5. tryffin (dredre)
7. ant
11. ixi (Hydrogen)
12. third
14. nox
12th day of Awakening, Y14 February 12, 2012
Across Down
3. recipes (ericlaw28)
7. blue (finder86)
8. royal (finder86)
9. lulu (finder86)
10. fiery
12. two (Noitidart)
13. meepit
1. altador (Falafel)
2. air
4. carrot sculpture (nikofire)
5. soldier (Falafel)
6. holly (Hydrogen)
10. four (nkk)
11. tips (Noitidart)
14. eye (Noitidart)
11th day of Awakening, Y14 February 11, 2012
Across Down
3. bit (Falafel)
5. green
8. pet
9. geb
10. von
11. purple (Falafel)
13. half
14. yes
1. nine (Hydrogen)
2. bug
4. jubjub (finder86)
6. eeeee (Noitidart)
7. nova
8. ponka (cakebake2490)
12. poem
10th day of Awakening, Y14 February 10, 2012
Across Down
3. chia (Noitidart)
4. blue (Noitidart)
6. nimmo (finder86)
7. kreludor
9. four (Falafel)
10. cloud (Falafel)
12. flower (Zeeknon)
14. web
1. ouch (finder86)
2. palmplat
5. lair
7. krawk (Falafel)
8. dice
11. one (Hydrogen)
13. roo (jcrdude)
9th day of Awakening, Y14 February 9, 2012
Across Down
2. three
4. mud (Noitidart)
6. woe
7. cobrall
8. babaa (Noitidart)
9. hissi
11. mira (esilim)
13. krawk (finder86)
1. weewoo (Hydrogen)
3. mutating (Hydrogen)
5. album (finder86)
6. web
10. snow
12. ixi (WeirdChick)
14. koi
8th day of Awakening, Y14 February 8, 2012
Across Down
2. fancy (Noitidart)
5. pteri (Ladida)
6. recipes (ericlaw28)
8. armin (finder86)
11. dump
14. terror (jcrdude)
1. kau
3. coupon
4. air
7. snow (Falafel)
8. adopt
9. ixi (WeirdChick)
10. dua (explicit)
12. brie (SxxyWolf)
13. food (Plueschmensch)
7th day of Awakening, Y14 February 7, 2012
Across Down
6. bug
7. running (nonotjj)
8. uni
10. aaa (TheWu)
11. skull (Noitidart)
12. diamond (explicit)
13. jazz (cakebake2490)
1. fungus
2. lulu (finder86)
3. brynn (nonotjj)
4. reginald (Hydrogen)
5. icecream (Bara)
6. blumaroo (nkk)
9. buzz
14. zed
6th day of Awakening, Y14 February 6, 2012
Across Down
2. darkest (icymoon)
3. royal (finder86)
5. magma (jcrdude)
7. xampher (AhnJinMi)
9. zombie
11. roo
13. chocolate (AhnJinMi)
15. nox
1. teemyte (jcrdude)
4. lamp (Noitidart)
6. jazz (cakebake2490)
8. rock
10. ouch (finder86)
12. ten (Noitidart)
14. aaa (TheWu)
5th day of Awakening, Y14 February 5, 2012
Across Down
2. buzzer (Hydrogen)
5. red (explicit)
7. kelland
8. plaza
10. web
11. gnorbu
13. chia
15. mira ([mid=54292])
1. four (Falafel)
3. ellsworth (finder86)
4. sink (Hydrogen)
6. dua (explicit)
9. zygorax
12. air
14. ixi (Hydrogen)
4th day of Awakening, Y14 February 4, 2012
Across Down
2. trestin
6. aaa (TheWu)
8. pate (jcrdude)
10. skeith
11. lostdesert (Hydrogen)
15. royal (finder86)
1. mira ([mid=54292])
3. sketch
4. games
5. shrine (TehKristin)
7. ham (Noitidart)
9. sloth (finder86)
12. soup
13. skarl
14. eye (Noitidart)
3rd day of Awakening, Y14 February 3, 2012
Across Down
6. chia (Noitidart)
7. gnorbu
9. benny
10. monocle
11. one (Hydrogen)
12. snot (Noitidart)
13. yes
1. ouch (finder86)
2. four (nkk)
3. katsuo
4. ???
5. quinton
8. spoon
9. brynn (nonotjj)
14. six (untouchabledarkness)
2nd day of Awakening, Y14 February 2, 2012
Across Down
3. brynn (nonotjj)
4. haste
6. wreathy
8. almost
9. one
12. mystical (Backslash)
14. geb
1. nova
2. pofew
3. battle (Falafel)
5. kentari
7. nml (Hydrogen)
10. ember (finder86)
11. isca
13. cyan
1st day of Awakening, Y14 February 1, 2012
Across Down
3. art
5. matic
7. neodeck (Noitidart)
8. bows
9. two (finder86)
10. ember (sLAUGHTER)
12. apples (Noitidart)
15. crisis
1. ant
2. farnswap (Nemle)
4. meowclops (jcrdude)
6. cobrall
11. kari (Noitidart)
13. ppl
14. egg

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.