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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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31st day of Sleeping, Y12 January 31, 2010
Across Down
1. air
5. acorns
6. five (Noitidart)
8. dua
9. quest
10. hunter
12. two (Noitidart)
13. courier (Noitidart)
2. ryshu
3. nova
4. zoba
6. fish
7. happened
9. quinton
11. roo
30th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 30, 2010
Across Down
3. blue (Hydrogen)
4. acara
7. ixi
8. bluesticks
10. chia
12. thornberry
1. nova
2. mutants
3. bowtie
5. hissi
6. plesio
9. egg
11. tree
13. hat (jcrdude)
14. red
29th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 29, 2010
Across Down
4. random
6. roo
7. myncis
10. novelty
12. ixi (Hydrogen)
13. dofrey
1. armin (jcrdude)
2. ant
3. poem
5. oak
8. intesteen (Noitidart)
9. onion
11. von
13. dua
14. fan
28th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 28, 2010
Across Down
4. cup
5. jub
6. death
9. nlm (Hydrogen)
10. lightning
12. kougra
13. bruce (Ints)
1. dump
2. club
3. random
4. chia
5. jhuidah
7. art
8. disco
11. egg
27th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 27, 2010
Across Down
2. kalora
3. ham (Noitidart)
5. one (Hydrogen)
8. mysterious
9. adopt
10. gabar
12. stix
14. aisha
15. puce
1. rainbow (Noitidart)
4. moehog (jcrdude)
6. eyepatch (Hydrogen)
7. usul
11. bruce
13. air
26th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 26, 2010
Across Down
3. pharmacy
6. aaa (TheWu)
8. plesio
10. frozennegg
14. pink
15. egg
1. nlm (Hydrogen)
2. tyrannian
4. half
5. dice
7. cup
9. big
11. ruki
12. nova
13. green (Dru)
25th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 25, 2010
Across Down
3. orrin
4. lime
9. gothic
10. apple
11. hagan (Hydrogen)
12. air
13. cup
1. woe
2. wingoball
5. shenkuu
6. scarab
7. kelp
8. nuranna
13. chia
14. pink
24th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 24, 2010
Across Down
3. jubjub (Noitidart)
5. apis
6. lair
7. feed
9. boss
10. pants
13. tech
15. stix
1. scary
2. pillow
4. blue (Hydrogen)
8. dart
11. nox
12. star
14. cup
23rd day of Sleeping, Y12 January 23, 2010
Across Down
5. balthazar
8. five (Noitidart)
9. blurg
11. tavi
12. arms
13. lime
1. yurble
2. tash
3. buzz
4. four
6. abigail
7. aaa (TheWu)
9. bites
10. usul
14. evil
22nd day of Sleeping, Y12 January 22, 2010
Across Down
4. jeran
5. death
7. ring
9. koi (Hydrogen)
10. scissors
11. tree
14. eighteen (Noitidart)
15. nova
1. zed
2. interest
3. goatee
6. fish
8. grobleen
12. vira (TheWu)
13. chase
January 21, 2010
Across Down
No Data
20th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 20, 2010
Across Down
2. enchanted
4. felf
7. ltd
8. watermote (Noitidart)
9. lair
11. iron
13. graveyard (Hydrogen)
1. red
3. teleport
5. frank (jcrdude)
6. wreathy
10. fir
12. evil
14. ant
15. dice
19th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 19, 2010
Across Down
3. meaty
4. neopox
5. mini
8. respirator (ToxicS)
10. bubbles
12. tash
13. six
14. orb
1. faeries
2. kiko
4. nova
6. pillow
7. cooty
9. osiri
11. uni
18th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 18, 2010
Across Down
3. spoon
4. jetsam
6. evil
8. candle (Noitidart)
12. red
13. fish
14. crystal
15. wocky
1. yes
2. usul
5. meepit
7. jade
9. arbiter
10. crossword
11. thorn
17th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 17, 2010
Across Down
6. three (Noitidart)
7. burrow
9. coral
10. drop
12. tarla (Hydrogen)
13. ogrin
1. zoba
2. bark
3. roo
4. shield
5. leek
8. wormholes
9. chia
11. fake
14. iron
16th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 16, 2010
Across Down
2. dart
4. red
5. orange (Noitidart)
6. lenny
9. purple (Noitidart)
14. national
15. castle
1. green (Noitidart)
3. toy
7. neopoints
8. brain (Lando)
10. matic
11. meaty
12. ltd
13. rock
15th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 15, 2010
Across Down
3. eating
5. studded
6. eliv
7. nimmo
10. nine (Hydrogen)
11. nlm (Hydrogen)
12. ylana
14. math
15. yurble
1. headbonk (Noitidart)
2. air
4. golden
8. moffit
9. celandra
13. blew
14th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 14, 2010
Across Down
5. sun
6. esophagor
8. blew
10. barallus
11. tornado
14. lair
15. blue
1. one
2. cape (Hydrogen)
3. meat
4. gormos
7. shearing
9. run
12. onion (TheWu)
13. orb
13th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 13, 2010
Across Down
3. face
4. kelp
7. wellington
10. uni
11. ixi
14. orangetti
1. lupes
2. godori
3. fungus
5. ppl
6. boss
8. eating
9. lupinov
12. mug
13. ltd
12th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 12, 2010
Across Down
3. six
5. kiko (Hydrogen)
6. celandra
8. tips (Noitidart)
10. cup
11. donny
12. bori
13. bonevault
1. koi (Hydrogen)
2. ixi
3. shearing
4. cola
7. lupe
9. purple (Noitidart)
11. derby
11th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 11, 2010
Across Down
2. fyora (Noitidart)
6. uni
7. ring
8. one
9. meerca
10. chia
11. rink
14. plesio
15. dieter
1. illusen
3. astrovilla
4. pinceron
5. attack
12. ixi
13. hero
10th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 10, 2010
Across Down
4. usul
7. air
9. checkered
10. acko
11. adopt
12. boy
14. onion (TheWu)
1. kau
2. zoba
3. sarah
5. sidney
6. bruceyb
8. derby
9. coupon
13. woe
9th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 9, 2010
Across Down
3. run
4. raiders
6. woogy
9. rainbow (Noitidart)
11. lowfat
12. maid
14. iron
15. fleapit
1. turbo
2. primella
5. pyramids (Boggart)
7. pink
8. monocle
10. zambra
13. ppl
8th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 8, 2010
Across Down
5. lamp (Noitidart)
6. box
8. sleepray (Noitidart)
10. nova
12. rainbow (Noitidart)
13. meepit
1. dua
2. two (Noitidart)
3. apis
4. tree
6. barik (TheWu)
7. scarab
9. lenny
11. pofew
14. pink
7th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 7, 2010
Across Down
2. geb
4. jam
7. gold
8. orb
9. eliv
10. lake
11. plotboard
14. moon
15. ten
1. chomby
3. expellibox
5. malevolent
6. stock
12. ant
13. disco
6th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 6, 2010
Across Down
3. royal
4. jade
7. uparrow
9. airax
10. two (Noitidart)
11. ryshu
14. lupes
15. meri
1. one
2. gabar
5. disaster
6. mutants
8. vaeolus (TheWu)
12. yes
13. ham (Noitidart)
5th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 5, 2010
Across Down
No Data
4th day of Sleeping, Y12 January 4, 2010
Across Down
6. ruki
7. mug
8. candle (Noitidart)
10. onion
14. mortog
15. lava
1. matic
2. lime
3. lucky
4. ltd
5. egg
9. adopt
11. neotrak
12. loyal
13. aisha
3rd day of Sleeping, Y12 January 3, 2010
Across Down
4. ten
5. maitred (Noitidart)
7. ???
8. feed
10. star
11. two (Noitidart)
12. draik
14. krawley (Hydrogen)
1. haste
2. potatoes
3. searex (Hydrogen)
5. mutant (Noitidart)
6. goparokko
9. goo
13. red
2nd day of Sleeping, Y12 January 2, 2010
Across Down
3. nova
5. woe
6. masila
9. cherry
11. edna
12. chia
14. six
1. ham (Noitidart)
2. dua
3. neoflu (Noitidart)
4. nine (Hydrogen)
7. achyhead
8. boy
10. rock
13. ixi

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.