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I think JumpStart's biggest mistake was not shit-canning the previous Neopets Staff. Clearly they're terrible at their jobs yet it's always the same crew.
Oct 04 2014 06:47 AM
  • seraph's Photo
    It's mostly Viacom's fault, the management were a bunch of scientologist nutjobs who literally only promoted/gave raises to other scientologists so people who were actually good at their jobs just left. From what I understand JumpStart did fire most of the staff though, probably part of why the transition was so horrible as it'll take them a while to find new employees
    Oct 04 2014 08:09 AM
  • jinq's Photo
    yeah, starting with the imbecile support staff
    Oct 04 2014 08:24 AM
  • Kway's Photo
    Reason why it isn't that easy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks's_law
    Oct 04 2014 08:26 AM