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If my laptop has space for 2 RAM units, but only 1 of them is being used by a decent chip, can I jst take the decent one from my old laptop and add it in as well? ie if I replace a 4gb with an old 8gb, will that increase effectively to a 16gb overall (if I leave the other 8gb in?)
Dec 11 2017 10:41 AM
  • Kway's Photo
    Both sticks of ram also needs to be the same speed. Problem is that ram sticks can vary slightly which is where people don't like mixing different brands or even different batches of ram sticks.
    Dec 12 2017 09:19 AM
  • Kaddict's Photo
    ahhh. I see. COol, thanks guys. I have never done any of this before. Also, my wifes computer has great specs but is way slow, I think she has been toasted with malware. But since she has a new laptop, would just doing a factory restore fix its speed problems?
    Dec 12 2017 09:24 PM
  • Romy's Photo
    ^Most likely yes.
    Dec 13 2017 07:16 PM