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My best friend passed an audition for Disneyland weeks ago, but it wasn't likely he would be called. He was called today; he's moving from Holland to France in 6 days. You know that feeling between "I'm so happy and proud of you!!!" and "Fakking bitch why are you leaving me??". Yeah. That.
Jun 01 2017 01:29 PM
  • Coops's Photo
    Wow, that's simultaneously awesome and sucky. *hugs* I hope you can get some serious friend-time in before he leaves.
    Jun 01 2017 01:35 PM
  • Cass's Photo
    The suckiest thing is he's leaving the day after my final exam. So I'm head to toe buried in graduation work, with nearly any spare time left, and he misses all the good stuff; the graduation parties, diploma ceremonies, etc. :( He's throwing a closing party this weekend but it still sucks. Six days is such a short amount to "cope".

    Not letting any of this sentiment slip through to him though, I'm 100% full-on support rn. He doesn't need people whining about him leaving right now, he's got enough on his mind :p But yeah, super awesome and super sucky.

    ... but he can get free tickets to Disneyland so GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DISNEYLAND THIS SUMMER

    Jun 01 2017 01:41 PM