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They seriously need to do something with the game, Update something that matters not the NC Cash Shops :?
Dec 29 2016 07:31 PM
  • Ayami's Photo
    It sucks the company keeps transferring and the new people who obtain it still continue to do absolutely nothing with it, when at one time it was very huge and still could be especially if they moved to a mobile platform and added some new games, kept up with events and pets and stuff like that. Everything has been so mediocre just a small portion of involvement with the site would go along way. People would be more inclined to spend money with them.
    Dec 29 2016 08:16 PM
  • Helix's Photo
    It would be nice if they fixed Keyquest soon, or make it into mobile app, I'll be playing all day if it is.
    Dec 29 2016 08:56 PM
  • Ayami's Photo
    Has anyone tried to bring it to their attention? I've seen them reply on facebook
    Dec 30 2016 12:48 AM