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How much more !!!!

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#51 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 15 December 2010 - 03:07 PM

Screw ending this plot, I'm loving the BD inflation at the moment.

Seriously though, we're not getting another plot until late next fall (that's if we're lucky enough to get another one too!).
Altador Cups have always been one-sided, AAA challenges have been broken due to SSing so I never really counted those as plot events.

#52 DenyingSystems

  • 578 posts

Posted 15 December 2010 - 05:07 PM

I do realise that this plot is annoying for disabling certain parts of neopets to keep in line with the plot. But... Why do people complain so much that this plot has lasted a long time, when it ends there will be complaints about the prize shop taking too long to open up, then after that complaints about why there hasnt been a plot for ages... <_<

This is my first plot in having this account for 6.5 years (haven't actually played for that long, took a break in between) but anyways, I don't really care about plots since even though I was around for this whole plot I only did the easy steps.


#53 Plunk

  • Official Neocodex Dollface

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 09:23 PM

I do realise that this plot is annoying for disabling certain parts of neopets to keep in line with the plot. But... Why do people complain so much that this plot has lasted a long time, when it ends there will be complaints about the prize shop taking too long to open up, then after that complaints about why there hasnt been a plot for ages... <_<

That's what we like to call the "Great Circle of Bitching".

#54 Disruptive

  • 23 posts

Posted 16 December 2010 - 02:30 AM

I know, I just want faerieland back, and of course the prize shop :p

#55 SatansCamaro

  • 553 posts

Posted 16 December 2010 - 03:52 AM

Doesn't everyone........:(

#56 Acheron

  • 586 posts

Posted 16 December 2010 - 09:51 AM

Just give us the damn update this week and finish up with the plot. I wanna claim my prize already!

#57 carrice

  • 660 posts

Posted 16 December 2010 - 10:23 AM

Just give us the damn update this week and finish up with the plot. I wanna claim my prize already!

Ya same here
I dont understand why they just dont finish it

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