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Member Since 16 Feb 2008
Offline Jan 16 2017 06:31 AM

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In Topic: Fading Bottled Faerie -> Weak Bottled Faerie recipes

06 September 2014 - 01:42 PM

NB: ONLY one new skill can be trained at a time. Here, I'll let Mariokart explain:


Each ability has an image with at least one or more icons next to it and a number. This states what it will cost you (in blessings) to obtain that ability. For example, in Tier Level 25 the ability Sear would cost ten fire blessings to learn.

Please know that you are able to freely train between tiers as you do not need to start with Level 1 and move up. Another important factor to know is that you are only able to actively have one of the three abilities per tier. If you wish to switch within the tier, you will be required to pay half the original blessing amount (If you paid 10 blessings the first time, it will cost 5 blessings to switch). It will not go lower than this initial discount so try not to switch too much.

Save Money: Remember that once you learn an ability in a Tier, all of the others will decrease in blessing requirements. This can come in handy since certain bottled faeries may be more expensive than others. You may want to learn a cheaper ability first (within the tier), and then learn the ability you want to keep for half the blessing price.