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Member Since 06 Nov 2009
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In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

30 December 2011 - 05:45 PM

Did you click on "Load a Manual Shop List (from txt file)." at the Main Shop settings?
If you uncheck it then you should be able to disable the Main Shop ABer (without it giving you an error at least)

&The actual log displays the bought/missed items along with any REs you may have ran into (not the Faerie Quests though) and well.. the starting and stopping of Abrosia :p

okay, I unchecked the manual shop list, but now it says I'll be using lists provided by the neocodex database
it won't actually do that since it's disabled, right?

I just waited through a potential stock at the attic
I'm happy to report that it didn't refresh on a non-attic minute (44), but it DID refresh at the specified time on an attic minute (45)
tysm for the help, and I apologize for my inability to interpret programs

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

30 December 2011 - 05:29 PM

Did it give you an error/pop-up that said you had to enable the Main Shop ABer?

Did it continue to refresh 0.8 - 1.2 seconds at the AAA afterwards also?

( Also, this may fit better at the Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer) topic actually since your questions are not related to the program manager o: )

At first, I just didn't have a list loaded for a shop because I checked the 'Disable Main Shop Autobuying' box
When I clicked the Start button on the main GUI, in the bottom left is said 'ERROR: Could not load manual Main Shop list!'

I'm not sure what the second question is asking, but I can tell you that it didn't say anything in the log. The only indication I have that it's refreshing is the status bar in the lower left (in the screenshot I posted, it mentioned the time). If that was just waiting instead of refreshing, I guess I'm good to go. Would it show the time it refreshes at within the actual log that I see to the right of the Start button and Ambrosia icon?

Also, I can repost all of this in the proper thread if you think I should, just let me know. I had that one open, but I guess I hit 'reply' to the wrong one!

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

30 December 2011 - 10:36 AM

I ran Ambrosia's attic buyer function, but I think I have a problem (if I'm interpreting the program correctly). I just wanted Ambrosia to run attic, so I disabled the main shop autobuying, as seen in the screenshot below. While I was there, I also asked Ambrosia to refresh 50-56 seconds past the minute, hoping that it would refresh only in this time (tbh I was also hoping it would only refresh on minutes that the attic could stock).

Posted Image

When I ran the program, Ambrosia still wanted a main shop autobuyer to run. I set it to refresh at magic once a day (about 86000 seconds) just to get rid of that problem, and that worked out alright. Next, I set the attic page delay to .8-1.2 sec. At first, I thought the page delay was asking me how far behind the NST time on the loaded page may be from the actual NST time, but once I ran the program, I determined it was asking for how often it should refresh because when it was 3-5, it refreshed only a single time during the specified period. I wanted it to refresh about once a second, though I only wanted it to refresh that often when the NST time was between 50 and 56 seconds (see the previous screenshot)

Posted Image

Thinking this should be all fine and dandy, I ran the program, and I saw what you see below (ignore all the starting and stopping, that was me tweaking settings). Unfortunately, as the red boxes that I added indicate, Ambrosia was waiting and refreshing at 10:26:06, which is most definitely not between 50 and 56 seconds past the minute. I hope that I'm just interpreting this incorrectly, and that Ambrosia truly does only refresh between those times, but I'm posting just to make sure. No point in having the program refresh every second all day!

Posted Image

I hope this post didn't leave any necessary info out, but if it did, I'd be happy to add to it