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Member Since 02 May 2005
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Blog Entries

Thoughts from the dark corner... > And so the long, arduous battle begins!

Posted 21 June 2016

Well...today marks the day I submitted the custody papers for my kids. Their mother has hung up on her children repeatedly since she's moved away because she thinks they don't want her when she calls 10 minutes after their bedtime. She's pushed so many of my buttons recently despite spending over $4000 of my hard earned money to get her new clothes, makeu...

Thoughts from the dark corner... > Dark Times 1

Posted 15 June 2016

So as you may or may not know, I'm a father to 2 wonderful girls, who are the totality of my life. My wife and I recently separated due to her infidelity issues, and we are going to be filing our divorce paperwork.
You'd think this was the worst part of it all, the woman you married 6 years ago cheats on you and moves out because she wants a divorce t...