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Member Since 12 Jul 2010
Offline Nov 09 2020 02:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The piercing thread

19 July 2012 - 05:35 PM

It's been a while since I've posted and I felt this would be an appropriate thread for me.
I have 3 lobe piercings in each ear, and a cartilage piercing in my right ear.
Unfortunately, it's the second cartilage I've done because the first one simply refused to heal. I redid it in the same ear only a little bit higher with a gun, and it's been fine except lately I've been sleeping only on my right side and it's getting irritated.
I have a septum piercing which I've had for nearly 3 years and I absolutely love it. I used to get annoyed over the "bull" comments, but I refuse to ever let the hole close.

I've also done my belly button twice. It's not that great.
I want to get a nose stud (not worn at the same time as the septum) because I think it would look cute. I think some piercings would just look trashy on me, e.g. tongue or eyebrow. I'm not sure what else I want.

In Topic: Bad Habits

31 May 2012 - 10:08 PM

  • Smoking cigarettes, lately I've become quite the heavy smoker
  • Using my room as a garbage dump
  • Compulsive habit to purchase shit all the time
  • Ripping every pimple/bump on my face until it scabs and leaves a scar
  • Binge eating when I'm stoned
  • Zoning people out while nodding... (do it so much on a daily basis)
  • Forget to eat
I have a lot more, but none really come to mind right now.

Also what's wrong with peeing in the shower? I mean.. I understand bath but..

In Topic: Family Relationships

21 May 2012 - 04:49 PM

I read through all these posts, and it honestly made me feel a little better about my family issues but not so much. Since I've never experienced divorce or extreme abuse or cheating etc, my family issues to me are very bad.

I thought my dad was the best person in the world when he brought me to Canada, because it was just such a huge place in my eyes and everything was simply amazing. My parents seemed to be "in love" at the time (8 years ago) but now I realize it was all pretty much an act. Soon after, I got diagnosed with Leukemia which brought my parents closer together in their struggle to deal with my sickness but it didn't last too long. Once I was in remission, things started to get bad. My dad became an alcoholic and causing havoc daily. Fighting with my mom often, yelling at her in the middle of the night, charges for DUI's, charges for breaking garage doors when he'd run through them with the car.. the list continues. He also started gambling around that time, and I absolutely despised him. That was around the first time I was exposed to hearing "once she's better, I'm leaving your ass." My dad is 15 years older than my mom, and I feel that its a good reason for why their parenting views are just so different, because my dad is so much more old fashioned than my mom. My dad is an overall douche. He's a complete hypocrite in everything he does, completely discriminatory and judgemental towards anyone who's not white, calls me fat at every possible occasion (I'm struggling with losing weight, but I'm not fat, I'm simply a BIT chubby), yells for no reason, and doesn't allow me to do anything. My curfew is "be home right after school." I'm not allowed to go to sleep overs, I'm not allowed to wear anything that he considers revealing or inappropriate or that shows my fat, I'm not really allowed to do the activities I love but then he yells at me saying how I'm a loner and I'm always inside the house despite not being allowed out. He doesn't make sense at all. If he wasn't my father and if he didn't put a roof over my head, I wouldn't give him the time of day. I argued as much as I could and he's finally come to terms with the fact that in september, I'm leaving for university. Little does he know I'm never coming back. I can't live in this household of constant arguing and nagging over nothing. Also, I would understand him being strict if I had terrible grades or something but I'm an honour roll student yet I'm still kept prisoner in my own house.

Now I feel bad for my sister because she's almost 10 and all her friends are allowed to do their nails, go to their friends house while she's just always stuck inside. I sympathize but then again she's a massive cunt who tries to act like she's twice her age and tell me what to do.

Theres nothing really to say about my mom. I would choose her over my dad any day, but I don't have a good relationship with her. She doesn't trust me, and I don't trust her because of the constant times she's searched my room. I love her though because of all the times she's stood up to my dad for me, despite his overbearing authoritarian style parenting.

I just can't wait to get away. It's going to be incredibly liberating.

In Topic: Neocodex Language Directory

16 March 2012 - 05:11 PM

It's actually Româna.
Român = romanian man.

In Topic: Farming The Unconscious

23 February 2012 - 10:00 PM

I don't mean to disparage, but don't waste your time trying to use logic on him again. Posted Image

I honestly did not know his rudeness was this severe.