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Member Since 18 Jul 2010
Offline May 17 2018 05:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Things you say you'll do but never do because "reasons"

30 November 2014 - 03:50 PM

- Getting up before 10 am. Been saying it for years. Not gonna happen. I even got "lucky" and had a baby that sleeps past that time. And when she does wake up my hubby often takes her out.

- Work out. Got two fancy training machines just eating dust.. I have no excuse there.

- Not using my phone constantly. Yeah right. I get anxious if I do not check new messages instantly.

- Stop drinking soda. BUT I AM SO THIRSTY AND WATER JUST DOES NOT HELP. Or so I keep telling myself.

- Make dinner. Yeah I am not really sure how I have managed to avoid it for so long *27 year old*, fortunately I have a partner who loves to cook.

- Studying. I am not happy with my current work and I would like to study a completely different line of work. I just never get to it because I am afraid of how things will go financially.

In Topic: Your Real Life Self vs Keyboard Self

30 November 2014 - 03:35 PM

I am much more sarcastic online, because people irl often do not get it, which creates very uncomfortable situations..

I take AGES to type in English because I am never really sure if I am saying things correctly, or even in a correct order. *I speak Dutch\Swedish*. When I speak English I very often just end up ranting to try and explain what I ment in the first place.. I dont think it through..at all xD

I do feel like Im pretty much the same person here as in the real world though. Im maybe a bit less judgmental online.

In Topic: What will you get your loved ones for the holidays?

27 November 2014 - 03:42 AM

A Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for the hubby... because he keeps stealing mine :)

Mom wants a family picture, and for me and the little one to come to Holland to celebrate christmas, so that's easy.

Little one isn't old enough to care, so she'll just get some toys.

Sister wants iphone coverS, because one just won't do!

Parents in law get a two week vacation to Thailand from all of us (Psht it's also for both of their 60th birthdays, which happens to be a couple of day before christmas)

If I forgot anyone after that they're out of luck, because now I'm broke :p