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Member Since 29 Jul 2010
Offline Oct 15 2022 03:03 PM

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In Topic: Mother Teresa canonisation

05 September 2016 - 11:55 AM

Oh. Yeah, that kinda makes me feel icky. I haven;t done any research on the topic, because I just don't feel invested in learning about her life. Anyway, thanks for clarifying some of that for me!


Also, I am praying to Ronald tonight. When is he getting beatified?


I didn't read Katya's post at first and I thought you meant Ronald McDonald. I got very confused. 

In Topic: Mother Teresa canonisation

04 September 2016 - 11:07 AM

Oh, I wasn't asking you, it was more of a rhetorical speech lmao

The sad fact is, it's all about the money. At one point the congregation had almost 30M $ in monetary donations, but the people being "helped" were still being neglected, left for dead ill and starving.Money is sent to the Vatican, for what purposes? Man, I really liked to know lol


I wasn't aware of the extent of her bad aspects so this is new and interesting to me. I'm not surprised considering the twisted views of the church on a lot of issues, but thank you for this info.


imo, poor people believe in religion so they have hope for a better (after)life. Rich people believe in religion so they can pay their way for a seat next to Jesus.

In Topic: Mother Teresa canonisation

04 September 2016 - 09:32 AM

That's one of the "pro" reasons I heard most. And then I ask, housing people with needs and taking pictures with them is enough to be considered saint? Yes, she gave a house to thousands of people, but why refuse to treat them, feed them? Why refuse to provide basic health and sanitary care, when the whole world was donating to her cause? Tying kids to beds so they couldn't walk around doing kids' stuff? Praying the "you must accept your suffer from a gift of god" card and then flying half world to be treated for her heart condition?

The concept of the Missions of Charity is doing good, and I know some of the houses (at least here in Portugal), do actually give some level of help, despite all the bad things going on inside - illicit profit, sexual abuse, etc. But it was not handled the best way, mainly because -probably, or most likely- it was just a marketing stunt. A way to convert people to a religion - I'm thinking about the psychological blackmail it was made in India to convert Hindus to be able to accept them in the houses of charity, which reminds me a modern version of the crusades, only this time the deaths were hidden under the "charity" veil, and photographed for advertising purposes.


If you're asking me personally whether I believe it's enough, I can't really answer because I'm not religious and I don't believe in sainthood. People can do great things that earn them respect and admiration and inspire others to strive to follow a similar path of goodness but I don't see it as anything more than that. 


Obviously the Catholic church is going to bring attention to anything that ups their follower count. Religions need followers. Followers = money. There's a reason why many old churches/places of worship are some of the most impressive pieces of architecture in this world. 

In Topic: Mother Teresa canonisation

04 September 2016 - 06:44 AM

My roommates went to the Vatican today to see the canonization. However I wanted to sleep in so I did not. 


I don't believe in religion and I don't know enough about her to agree/disagree that she's a saint, but she definitely did more than I ever will for the poor and underprivileged. Even if some of her views were kind of fucked up lol.

In Topic: Selfies

03 September 2016 - 08:36 AM

I like selfies, I usually binge on them if I'm feeling really good about my makeup on a certain day and I have an album of selfies on my phone. I'm superficial and narcissistic, I know it already. But it's not the only thing I do (or even a large part of my life for that matter) or the only thing I take pictures of, so I think it's fine. If anything, it's useful to always have a picture at the ready to use when you sign up for a new forum or something that requires a profile pic. 


I actually haven't taken one in a couple of months since I haven't found a new "selfie spot" with good lighting/backdrop - my last one was in my dorm which I've since moved out of. 


Also, about men taking selfies - I think it's much more accepted in Asian culture than in American/European culture. imo, if you look good and feel good about yourself then just fucking do it. I wish my bf sent me more selfies, he always sends me shit snapchats but expects me to send him a picture of my beautiful made up face. haha noep 


For everyone that likes taking selfies, I'd recommend Camera360 for editing.