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Member Since 05 Aug 2010
Offline Oct 21 2023 01:02 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

18 November 2014 - 06:40 AM

... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!

In Topic: Update makes Abrosia think you are Banned

16 November 2014 - 01:02 AM

I must have completely missed that you can change the "check for RS ban" settings. For a while I thought checking for removal was the only thing I could change. Thanks! :)

so there is a check for RS ban option? where can i find it?


I only see a "Check for Main Shop RS Ban Removal every (mins):' option

In Topic: I spy with my little eye... A NEW MEMBER! ♥

14 November 2014 - 07:24 PM

OMG! you're older than me. Yay.



In Topic: Update makes Abrosia think you are Banned

14 November 2014 - 07:21 PM

I actually tested using 30 minute RS ban checks, and I didn't have any issues with it. The thing is, if you make it check for RS bans less often, then it's less likely that when Abrosia checks for an RS ban, it won't accidentally stumble upon a shop reset. However, if you do get RS banned, Abrosia will find out within 30 minutes. It works out better.

Abrosia can only check for RS ban removal.

Like Megazord said, the program declares RS ban when the shop is empty and not based on your settings.


For me, the current way is to increase the wait delay, and set the check for RS ban removal to lowest. ( of course you have to physically check once in a while that you are not really RS ban)

In Topic: New here, NOT new to Neopets :)

14 November 2014 - 11:10 AM

welcome! go wild!