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Member Since 05 Jul 2005
Offline Feb 11 2006 04:16 AM

Topics I've Started

Autobuyer Help!

11 February 2006 - 03:31 AM

I'm kind of new to the autobuying scene of neopets, yes, I've missed out a lot! Anyways, I was wondering if anybody could recommend a few shops for a begginer (under 20,000 NP player) such as myself and a list attached.

Warm Regards,
The Big Chief

Private Apps

01 November 2005 - 03:20 AM

I hope I don't look like a leecher or greedy for Private Codexery. Though I've searched through the documentation and help files and lots of threads and haven't found out when does Private Applications start.

I hope this doesn't decrease my chance to go in Private. :sorry:

School Pranks!11one

01 November 2005 - 02:43 AM

Lots of pranks go on in my school, though you have to be in the scene, to laugh, otherwise they will sound really inappropriate and not funny.
I got a paper, wrote 'kiss me' on it and put super glue, our class was kind of small, like only 10 people in the class, and I we put it in someone's chair, he was abscent, and the miss went there and sat on it.

We will all laughing hesterically, it took quite a while for the teacher to realize that there was something funny stuck to her ass. Even other teachers started laughing, hilarious :D

Banners Request!

15 July 2005 - 12:22 PM

I'm in need of major leet skills here, I would like to request 3 banners.
A BoHeGeHa banner that has the text "RootStrikers" and a small quote that says "There is a thousand hacking at the leaves of evil to one striking at the root"

Before you leave this, its not about hacking, I found that quote and thought it would be appropriate :)
Ok and a Rooq one, and IPB default one.

I don't know how I can reward someone for doing this, but you get a...  :thumbsup:   from me?

Virus / Worm Threat

15 July 2005 - 12:10 PM

If whoever rated that as level 2 (If that's something that says its a badass one) then he should learn programming. Seriously, its easy to do that; worms are easy to make, but if you realize most worms aren't harmful, seriously they aren't, they just keep copying themselves over the computer, but doesn't cause damage unless its someone who wrote it for bad intentions.