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Member Since 22 Aug 2010
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In Topic: We Live in an Era

31 May 2016 - 03:24 PM

is this about minecraft

In Topic: Altador Cup IS Coming Back!

18 April 2016 - 05:04 PM

Aw man, I'll be doing an internship this year when this is happening. That makes me sad, it's one of the few times I come out of lurking and actually play neopets :C


rip my super suspicious 3 year codex team trophy streak

In Topic: Another account compromising wave!

22 November 2015 - 07:18 PM

Just give us the option to make every pet barring the new colors/species since the conversion UC and then suddenly the damn things won't be a target for account theft or report happy scumlords anymore.


When everyone is UC, no one is.


Unfortunately there'd be a giant backlash either way, I'd feel. You either get the owners being pissed their rare things aren't special anymore, or people being angry over losing something they spent a lot of effort on (plus people who'd be mad that they could never have a hope of getting a UC eventually).


(as someone who has a uc but never goes on neopets anymore i am so happy i got the fuck out of there lmao. place is a giant clusterfuck of drama all the time. also you know JS would never make UC available to everyone, they wouldn't get any money from people not dressing up their pets unless they went NC restricted option to transform)


either way even if some of these ppl on the pc are god awful it's still a real shitty thing to pull and feel superior over

In Topic: Another account compromising wave!

22 November 2015 - 01:19 AM

Hey wait, so someone on the "other site" admitted they did this? Or is this just a guess?


According to the one taking credit, the original fiasco wasn't him, but he had access to the account doing it so he decided to continue? idk its pretty hard to slop through that circlejerk

In Topic: Another account compromising wave!

21 November 2015 - 11:45 PM

Apparently it's someone on the other site (our "competitors")? I'm not really surprised if it's true, tbh.


(also if i was JS id be like FUCK THIS PETTY PIXEL BS SHUT IT ALL DOWN)