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Member Since 22 Oct 2010
Offline Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Neocodex Member Locations

07 June 2011 - 01:37 AM

  • Malaysia, Selangor, Klang

In Topic: Engaging in physical activities!

30 May 2011 - 02:22 AM

The last time I exercised, (cycling) was half a year ago. Between then and now, there's only dog-walking and walking home from school. Which is about 5 minutes each. Other than that, nope. I'm a couch potato, through and through.

In Topic: Which pets got the worst re-drawn looks after NC mall was incorporated?

28 May 2011 - 11:08 PM

I thought the UC Meerca was really cool looking. It looked like bouncy and active and pretty cute. After the redraw, it looked sort of...like an obese layabout. It's still okay-looking, but I think it looks nicer before the redraw.

Worst redraw for me would be Faerie Lenny. UC Faerie Lenny was an elegant peacock-like thing. One redraw later, it looked like a multicolor Woody Woodpecker. IMO, it got the worst acid-in-face treatment.

In Topic: What do do with...1.5 mill np? o_O

21 May 2011 - 08:18 PM

Put it in the bank and watch it grow like snails.
Or really, AB some more. Use it as capital to get more...Millions.

In Topic: zombie apocalypse

21 May 2011 - 08:10 PM

1. Hide in house.
2. Only go out with axe and other reasonably dangerous materials.
3. Drive and slam all zombies off the roads until nearest convenience store. Get supplies.
4. Repeat for rest of natural life and hope the zombies never find me.

And if they do...Well, I doubt I'll be pondering the matter of my new face for very long thereafter.