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Member Since 22 Oct 2010
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As a 2011 gift, we all get a new horoscope!

13 January 2011 - 08:51 PM


So apparently, this is what it looks like now, with a new horoscope Ophiuchus.


I for one can't seem to find anything in common with Taurus at all, whereas previously Gemini was all me. Therefore, with my supremely narcissistic logic, I denounce this. What about you? Find anything new in common with your new star sign?

Bloody Fatigue

22 December 2010 - 11:52 PM

Let's start with a Lewis Carroll quote : "And it tires me so that generally I go to bed again the next minute after I get up: And sometimes I go to bed a minute before I get up! Did you ever hear of any one being so tired as that?"

Yeah, that's basically my current situation. I wake up feeling like in my sleep, my soul was running the Olympics and rampantly sexing Greek statues up. I've got low motivation. Every time I open up Photoshop to continue a piece, I groan and close it back. I'm sleepy like, three hours after I wake up, and I sleep 12 hours a day. I know something's wrong, but I don't know WHICH part of my lifestyle is making me like these. So anyone with a clue? Clue me in please.

Basic lifestyle :

Sleep : I sleep at 5 a.m -- 1 p.m everyday. Yes, it's a stable time, I don't change times around. Do it because my computer overheats if I draw/paint in the afternoon.
Diet : Two meals a day. Lunch have all major categories like meat/veggies. Dinner is usually meat > veggies. I don't drink much water, but looking to rectify that. Eat lots of fried stuff like tempura too.
Lifestyle: Most of my time in front of the computer or drawing on my desk. Gets up and cycle/jog/aerobics for about half an hour to an hour each day.

So...Lifestyle advice on combating fatigue? Anything works.