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Member Since 19 Jan 2011
Offline Apr 02 2013 04:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ValorSuite (MSAB, ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree...

02 April 2013 - 04:55 PM

you should add an option to lower the network sleep timer in the shapeshifter it dosent take 30+ seconds to make the next move once you know the order so maybe set it for like 3-10secs for each move but for the first one make it like current diff +/- 1 min so it looks like you figgured out the steps then just imputed them


I've haven't had a problem with fast submissions, so this shouldn't be a problem.

In Topic: ValorSuite (MSAB, ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree...

24 November 2012 - 02:55 PM

Another sizeable update.

My account doesn't have the capital to work on a kad feeder for now. I think I might make a shapeshifter solver next though.

A Shapeshifter autosolver would be an easy 5K+ Neopoints per day. And it would be really quick if you added an option to reset the game each day. I would imagine you could solve the first 19 levels (hitting the 5k limit) in less than two minutes. Oh, and here is a little trick you can use to speed things up. When you are submitting your solution, you don't have to wait for the page to reload between pieces.