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Member Since 29 Mar 2011
Offline Jun 23 2012 09:10 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Postsecret anyone?

10 April 2011 - 07:57 AM

I used to have like four of those books! they were kinda expensive, too. I got rid of them, they were pretty depressing. There are about 3% of the secrets that were actually positive and not about abuse, drugs, death, etc.

In Topic: Sleep paralysis

04 April 2011 - 08:25 PM

I'm kind of the opposite. I am the LIGHTEST sleeper out there....
So when I have a dream I am falling or someting I jerk so hard it scares everyone in the house. I thought something was wrong with me for a while, because I have actually broke the foundation my matress and boxspring were on just from jerking so hard. I was starting to think i was going to give myself a heart attack for a while and then it just went away after a month of torture.

In Topic: Abortion

02 April 2011 - 07:29 AM

I'm pro abortion just becuase its not like abortions are cheap. If you got the money for an abortion just floating around, and you've made the decision a child isn't for you, then its your life. Who are we to try to make your decisions for you?
I was 17 and pregnant and contemplated abortion just because I knew I wouldn't have time for the baby and I absolutely could not have a baby just to give it away. I am human and would want the baby after bonding with it for nine monthes. I like to stay busy so when I was 17 I was working full time, going to college, going to high school, taking parenting classes, paying all bills for a two bedroom apt, and I barely got to sleep 5- 6 hours a day if i was lucky, just to repeat process.

I looked up abortions and not only did I have to drive across the state to do so, you had to have about 500 bucks. I hate driving, so I have a baby. JK :p

In Topic: April Fools Day Pranks

02 April 2011 - 07:16 AM

Aha, I plastic wrapped toilet seats as a prank in high school. I'll never have the guys bathroom done again. NAWSTY.
And because I had made a 'team' of people to make sure every bathroom was done, a teacher heard us talking and somehow she thought it was a drug deal and I got drug searched.

What actually made all of this funny, was that nobody caught on and some guy crapped himself. Nobody talked about the prank for a year, just scared of being murdered by this kid and anyone else who peed on themselves, including a teacher.
Kid who pooped himself + teacher with menopause > drug search

In Topic: Losing Weight!

02 April 2011 - 07:09 AM

Cinnamon Vitamins, DUDE!

healthy, speeds up sugar metabolism, and makings eating healthy rewarding. :p
I bought some with a friend and she said she lost 8 lbs after a 3 weeks with no diet change. I haven't messed with them because I have been sick and don't really remember to.