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Member Since 30 May 2011
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Topics I've Started

Auto Trainer - Updated

19 October 2011 - 09:18 PM

Auto trainer has been given much needed updates and improvements! With these changes, you'll notice better program stability and ease of use. Please thank Iargue for all his hard work getting this program into tip-top shape!

The changes are as follows:

- The Option to withdraw from Shop Till/Bank if you do not have enough Neopoints. If you check both Shop Till and Bank, it will first attempt Shop Till, and if it fails, it will attempt Bank. (Withdraws your interest first)
- A failure counter has been added to track the number of failed attempts purchasing a Codestone. Using this, the program will not attempt to purchase a Codestone more than 5 times.
- OK/Default/Cancel buttons have been added.
- There is now an audible alert when a pet finishes training. (option to disable this has been added as well)

- The buy function has been re-worked. We switched to using RegEX which provides us with a more stable purchasing process. You should see less random errors. If an error occurs, the information provided has been expanded to be more helpful.
- The SDB retrieval process has been optimized. You should no longer see any issues when withdrawing from your Safety Deposit Box.
- The Inventory retrieval process has also been optimized. It should now properly fetch Codestones from your inventory.
- There is now a single settings window for the Auto Trainer. From here you can manage General, Buying and Training settings. This change merges the old windows (Program settings and Account Settings) together. Now, if you have pets selected to train (and are logged in) you can start the program without opening the settings window.


- Fixed multiple bugs with training, cleaned up most sections of the code. Should be able to run the program without random errors now.

We intended to add more features (such as Negg Feeding) to the Auto Trainer, but unfortunately iargue was pulled away by his job. The rest of the features will be added when he comes back. Let us hope for a speedy return!

Happy Birthday Iargue!

08 October 2011 - 08:36 AM

Happy birthday!

Abrosia - Updated + NEW PROGRAM

04 October 2011 - 10:15 PM

Abrosia has been updated to fix a few issues and add in some interesting (and awesome!) features. I have outlined the changes below:

- A display has been added to indicate the number of items currently in the shop. This is refreshed each time the page is loaded.
- You can now set Abrosia to buy based on a profit percentage.
- Added OK, Clear and Cancel buttons to the shop legend.
- We have updated the shop legend to display how many Neocodex users are currently ABing in each shop.

- Advanced users can now use Profit, Shop ID and Time in conjunction with each other.
Example: For 10 minutes, AB in shop 67 looking for items over 3k. After 10 minutes have passed, AB in shop 21 for 25 minutes looking for items over 5k. After 25 minutes have passed, AB in shop 114 for 56 minutes looking for items over 1k.



- The Attic timer now visits on proper attic times.
- The Attic timer in the bottom right now updates properly.

- Igloo ABer no longer buys un-tradable items.
- If a haggle is failed, we now state the failure.

Remember to thank Iargue and the rest of the programming team for these awesome features.


We have a new program!
Tonight we are releasing a Bilge Dice auto player. Whipped up by Junior Programmer Calum, you can use this to play Bilge Dice for you.

Here are some of the settings and features:
- Ability to set custom times and stop limits on earned and lost amounts.
- Set your ante: 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000
- Ability to stop playing after getting the 'Lucky Streak' and 'Bilge Dice' avatars.

Neon AP - Updated

28 September 2011 - 07:47 PM

Neon AP has been updated. We have added a few new features and fixed some minor bugs. The changes are as follows:


- When an item is enabled (highlighted with green) you can choose to do any of the following additional actions:

  • Send to Inventory - Removes selected items from your shop, putting it back in your general inventory.
  • Send to SDB - Removes selected items from your shop, putting it into your SDB
  • Send to Trading Post - Removes selected items from your shop and places them in the trading post. If this is selected, you will be asked to provide a wish list which will appear in the lot. All currently selected items are placed into a single lot.

  • Send to Auction House - Removes selected items from your shop and posts them to the AH. If this is selected, you will be asked for a starting bid, and min increment amount for each item.

* Send to Trading Post and send to Auction House are options for Advanced Members only.
- Added the option to reset all settings to default.
- The estimated worth of the shop is displayed on the bottom right of the status bar.

Bug Fixes:

- It is now possible to see a manually marked item without having to click elsewhere.
- Using the None, Un-Priced or All buttons no longer changes the location of the cursor.
- Manually pricing an item no longer hides the main Neon AP window.

- If the shop contains multiples of a single item, only one will be moved at a time.
- In order to pick up these changes, please uninstall/reinstall Neon AP or restart your Program Manager.


11 September 2011 - 06:41 PM

Poor gerbil!