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Member Since 11 Jun 2011
Offline Private

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In Topic: Question Regarding A'Buyer

01 May 2012 - 10:31 AM

*puts on french accent*

I laugh at your puny dots and @ signs.
Your mother was a exception, and your father smelt of dirty-code!

Now leave this thread, before I taunt you a second time!

I don't quite know to which dots you refer, but you're quite right, typing "self." all over the place is far easier than using those dreaded asperands. Switching back to Python this very moment.

In Topic: Question Regarding A'Buyer

01 May 2012 - 09:39 AM

you're welcome! were you iced minutes/hours after you snagged the MP's or a little longer than that? i ab'd in magic using another buyer but i think its the buy times that got me iced. averaging 2900ms (although i manage to miss a lot too, i wonder what went with those higher buy times than mine?) now im thinking of coming back but im non advance member so im asking if non advance setting would manage to snag some at the magic shop?

You're probably not going to get much if anything in Magic without Advanced. Ahem. : P

In Topic: Suicide scoresending

30 April 2012 - 06:42 AM

What is with that micro font

Dare to be different, however you know how.

In Topic: Suicide scoresending

30 April 2012 - 05:19 AM

Your WILD!!!

How long have you been doing it for?

Sorry... it was a stupid question, so I gave a stupid answer. ^_^ Irresponsibly SSing is far and away the most frequent cause of being frozen, I would think.

In Topic: Suicide scoresending

30 April 2012 - 03:46 AM

I want to hear about peoples experience with SSing with ridic times. How long'd it take you to get iced? I have an urge to SS at 1 sec per game just for the heck of it :p In your experience, what do you find (comparatively...) safer - GM scoresender, or the one in the program manager?

I run SS 24/7, even if it has already played all 1000+ games three times each. No ban so far, making roughly 2.8m extra NP per day.