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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Nov 10 2023 06:13 AM

Topics I've Started

Just bought a new computer, can't get the program manager to work right.

09 August 2013 - 01:09 PM

yeah so i just got a windows-using computer after being a mac guy for way too many years. i have windows 8 and when i try to run the program manager i get the massage 

"The specified module could not be found. LoadLibrary(Pythondll) failed."


then when i click ok, i get an Error message saying "C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\PYTHON27.DLL"


I've never been a very tech savvy person regardless of operating system and its probably a very simple fix, but i'd appreciate any feedback or even a step-by-step. thank you.

Attic auto buyer very rarely sees items

23 July 2013 - 12:20 PM

My auto buyer has seen maybe 5 items in the past two weeks. I have advanced and my settings are all less than .5 seconds for the attic but I still hardly see anything.

so i just fixed my times and watched my ABer go to the attic and refresh there from :49-:59 and it it didnt say there were items in the attic until the next minute and then i got this "2013-07-23 14:46:03 - Missed Pink Eyrie Morphing Potion: Sold out." and no other misses. why does it seem like timing is so far off, i dont think its my settings because that miss was a full 10 seconds after the attic was supposed to restock according to the ABer