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Member Since 28 Jun 2011
Offline Mar 09 2018 08:05 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Right-wing "nutters" more of a risk than Greece Default

25 July 2011 - 03:25 PM

As an aside, I really don't get how Americans can label Obama/the Democrats socialist. If that's the case, then places like Canada and Australia are full on Marxist states, and god knows what China is...

Frankly I'm not enough of an expert on American politics to comment too deeply on this issue. But I've never understood the huge opposition to increasing the tax on the richest citizens (or getting rid of the "temporary tax cuts", whatever) considering your huge problem with debt. Strikes me as selfish and unpatriotic to the maximum. The cost of living in the States is also far, far cheaper than a place like Australia (dear god, your petrol- gas, sorry- is like half the price of ours!), and your wages can spiral much higher than anything here. And yet you have a far poorer welfare system for the worst off citizens. So why exactly is there an outcry when you consider helping out the "plebians"?...

In Topic: Neocodex Member Locations

24 July 2011 - 03:09 AM

It sure is. There was a member who joined a while ago who lived in blacksmiths which is about 10 minutes from my house. By the way do you study at Newcastle uni (or atleast for the next 2 weeks)?


Sure do! Although you won't be seeing my face around there for about a year ;) How bout you?

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

23 July 2011 - 06:43 PM

+2 levels, -2 movement

In Topic: Neocodex Member Locations

23 July 2011 - 06:40 PM

Australia, New South Wales, Newcastle

Dude, I'm from Port Stephens. Small world, innit? :p


Australia, New South Wales, Port Stephens

But in two weeks it'll be:

Canada, Ontario, Hamilton

yay uni exchange.

In Topic: Oslo Bombings/Shootings

23 July 2011 - 04:39 PM

Absolutely awful and intensely depressing. I wish the best for all the families involved, and hope that some of these kids involved can move past the trauma and build an amazing life for themselves.

It's crazy though, isn't it? I thought I'd misheard when it was said this was in Norway. Not a place you'd expect a terrorist attack, not at all. There are wingnut crazies in every nation, I suppose. Gives new meaning to the right wing shock jocks, bloggers and journos who call for serious/violent action on this, that or the other, though... when it actually happens, it's devastating.