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Member Since 10 Jul 2011
Offline Jun 21 2013 02:39 PM

Topics I've Started


03 April 2012 - 10:14 PM

I'm sure this is a very volatile subject for many people, but I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is.

I, personally, think that everyone is entitled to love and to be attracted to whomever they please. I view gays (homosexuals if you prefer) the exact same as hetereosexuals. I dislike hate how some people in America (not just America, but it is the country with which I am most familiar. I hear from my Australian friends that Australia has a troubling classist system.) devalue a person simply based on his or her sexuality ( devaluation also occurs based on other factors but I'm specifying homosexuality here). I believe that a person's sexual orientation is no more a choice than one's skin color. I'm interested in other peoples' opinions.

Also, I'm agnostic (kinda leaning toward atheist but not quite there yet) if anyone is curious about my religious affiliation.

I think we should love everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, social class, sex, or sexual orientation.

The Hunger Games

22 March 2012 - 08:34 AM

Who's going to see the midnight premiere tonight? I know I am, and I'm SUPER excited!! :D