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Member Since 22 Sep 2011
Offline Sep 12 2017 10:15 PM

Blog Entries

Chappy's Scraps~ > It's been a long time

Posted 30 July 2017

I've been gone for a while so here's some updates : Finally out of college
Full time job at an oral surgeon office (Just front desk stuff), which means I have time to be here.
(I make appointments and listen to angry customers right before they get their teeth pulled) My writing has gotten worse and I need to read again. Oh right I got into...

Chappy's Scraps~ > Ramble

Posted 19 June 2016

Is that even the right word. I'm going to just rant to clear some space in my head. Grammar errors will be on here. I know.

It's summer break and I literally don't want to be anywhere. I don't want to be home. Nothing is wrong. If anything it's going well in the house. (*knocks on wood*) I just have no ambition for anything. I'm not depressed, but the w...

Chappy's Scraps~ > Missions Part 1

Posted 12 July 2015

So this is part one because I have a huge jetlag situation. I keep falling asleep everywhere and then am awake at like 3am -_-
Things may seem like it's bad ,but the ending is the best part :3 Pictures may come in another section.
This is just my experience. Yes I am religious so please don't get offended by anything. If it doesn't make sense or perha...

Chappy's Scraps~ > Special update

Posted 04 May 2015

As some of you know, I am hoping to go to Thailand this summer!
I'm super excited and so nervous~
I waited a super long time to tell you guys this so I'm sorry about that.
In Thailand we're going to an orphanage to teach English and then later a university :3
In this particular team even though we bear the ministry mission's name, this is the only team th...

Chappy's Scraps~ > OP has delivered.....some fins

Posted 04 September 2014

So I asked for some inspiration. Ugly or not I'm putting my seal :3
As Seal got two votes~!

It's pretty bad....in real life its not as bad XD


Second image.

End of the day: I need a better camera and like...lighting. lots of light. boop.