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Member Since 16 Oct 2011
Offline Jun 02 2013 09:31 PM

Topics I've Started


17 October 2011 - 11:08 PM


I'm Charlie, I just joined last night :) I started playing neopets 9 years, went on hiatus for about 4 years and got re-addicted a year ago.

I mainly joined neocodex because I want to buy a UC grey yurble and/or UC fae yurble and I wanted to learn more about autobuying before I try it.

And I also have a quick question: How many posts are needed before I can see the trading post? I read the pinned topic about not seeing the trading post when you're new, I was just wondering if someone could tell me the actual number.

Thanks in advance! and if I forget to say it later, Its very nice to meet everyone :)