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Member Since 07 Feb 2012
Offline Private

Topics I've Started

Tor Project

18 April 2012 - 06:47 PM

Does anyone use this? https://www.torproje...g/index.html.en

The proxies seem to be anonymous as far as your true IP being shown, but the IP that's given is listed as being part of their database so it isn't completely safe.. maybe just to do a suicide run on a shell or something short term like that. Anyone have any experience with this?

Edit: It's not a proxy, persay, just hides your IP behind one of theirs. You can't use the program manager with this but you can use it to access shells you're unsure of.

Price Check: Stone Hourglass

15 March 2012 - 11:39 AM

I have one of these and was wondering if anyone could tell me what it's worth.. I haven't tried to sell it up to this point because I don't think there would be much interest in having it beside a very serious collector. Any help would be appreciated.

[Help Needed]Using Paid Proxies with Abrosia

14 February 2012 - 07:08 AM

Okay, I decided to edit this post as to not have to post another one without need, hopefully people still see it...

I've looked through all the topics that concern proxies, paid proxies, and using them with Abrosia. I've read a lot about how the Program Manager doesn't support proxies that require a user/pass log-in, yet other topics have stated that they have had some success with paid proxies, can anyone PLEASE clarify if their are ANY paid or private proxies that will for SURE work wit the Program Manager? Please. Any help is GREATLY appreciated..

P.S. I bought a proxy from www.bestproxyandvpn.com, it's fast and reliable, but since it requires a user/pass or IP sensitive settings to work, it doesn't work with the program manager.. just thought I'd throw that out there.

Thank you.

Restocking Question.

13 February 2012 - 02:34 PM

Hi. I know that in order to be able to restock the better items I have to have an account of a certain age, but I'm stuck with a 3 day account since I don't have any old ones+I don't want to "buy" any from obscure dealers online. I saw the restocking and ABing guides but I'm still not quite sure where the best place to go is until my account is at least 3 months old.. can anyone help me out by telling me where I should be going? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


12 February 2012 - 11:00 PM

Hello guys. My name is Jay, I'm new to this forum. I used to play Neopets about 7 years ago before I got iced for using myself as a referral to get prizes.. I was young and VERY stupid. I'm back, mostly because of this website that helped me get on my feet as a complete n00b with all it's information. You all seem very friendly so I'm glad to be here with ya'll.