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Member Since 28 Feb 2012
Offline Apr 26 2012 04:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Almost Abandoned Attic

30 March 2012 - 09:42 AM

Just snagged a 600k item while I was out getting a hair cut. Always nice to come back to some nice profits

In Topic: 'The key' to a never-freezing main?

24 March 2012 - 12:44 PM

Well... I always think the reason why I'm not frozen is because I buy NeoCash.

I'm not even kidding lol, most of my neocash are from cards I buy from here with neopoints :p

This is true. An account of mine got banned for suspicious activity after I bought a few mil and I knew it would be months before the ticket was answered and it would result in being iced anyway so I told them I had a few NC cards I was going to use on my main before it got iced and the ticket was addressed and I was unbanned in a couple weeks. I'm not sure if the NC won them over but they're always motivated by money....

In Topic: Score Sender Pros

18 March 2012 - 04:47 PM

I score sent on one computer and had 4 clients going across about 20 shells. I used slaughters for a little over a month and racked up about 20m once everything was transferred to pure. It was amazing because it ran 24/7 but each account only ran for about 4 hours at a time to make it believable. Im thinking about doing it again now that I have an old laptop to use. I also never got frozen because I made the score list myself

In Topic: quickest way to sell items?

18 March 2012 - 04:33 PM

1. Look on sw
2. Price item 10% lower than sw price
3. Lower process by 5%-10% every 2 days or so
4. Make sure your stuff is worth it

In Topic: Your Most Prized Neo-Possessions

18 March 2012 - 04:26 PM

Every account I try to make a main I get a maraquan draik first and then I fuck up and get the account frozen for something stupid like "suspicious activity" so my favorite pet and prized possession on any account I have is a maraquan draik. But now I don't intend on screwing anything up so im going to try to get as many evil coconuts as I can