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Member Since 10 Mar 2012
Offline Dec 01 2012 06:14 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello Sirs and of course a very fond hello to all you Madams as well

11 March 2012 - 01:20 PM

Anyways hello everyone! I’m Awake and I’m here because someone recommended this forum to me(I think it was my brother). I’ve been involved with Neopets since 2000, but it has only been in the last four or five years that I’ve really spent a measurable amount of time on the site. I did use an Auto buyer for a few months a couple years ago before losing interest in the process. So as far as using the Neocodex programs goes I’m not sure how much I will actually use them, but I do plan on experimenting with them.

As for me I’m a college student majoring in something; I’m sure it is probably something crazy like education or criminal justice. I consider myself a fairly laid back individual and I’m probably the laziest person I know, but at the same time I’m very set in my ways. I like what I like and I’m not really concerned if you don’t like what I like. However I would be most delighted to discuss your opinions. I don't consider myself a "deep" person although I am a moderately private individual. I do enjoy reading and will read almost anything. I live in the United States in the wonderful(/sarcasm) state of New Mexico. It is quite windy here which is basically the only constant thing about the weather and I’m convinced the temperatures are more bipolar than I am. I live with two cats named Fatty and FatCake(or Smokey and Cog if my mother is around), a dog named Fiddle and my brother when he is in town. I have a fascination with fish, koalas and goats and I am terrified of birds of almost any kind.

Anyway I’m sure I’ve said enough for you all to be bored so I’ll end this introduction and let you all get back to your lives. If you have any questions feel free to ask.