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Member Since 07 Jun 2012
Offline Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Should drug-cheats be allowed to compete in the Olympics?

06 July 2012 - 06:51 AM

Seems strange to give them a second chance when so many great athletes who've never cheated aren't competing. Gives off a weird message about cheating and the consequences of getting caught...

In Topic: What is your stance?

06 July 2012 - 06:49 AM

We're not allowed them in this country without a difficult to come by gun license. I know you have them in the US, and I can't help thinking having one for self protection can make the issue worse; if you whip out a gun on an armed robber he won't hesitate to shoot you out of fear for his own life. I'd rather wimp out and let them steal my stuff than get a bullet through my head...

In Topic: The Greatest Debate of All Time: Coke vs Pepsi

06 July 2012 - 06:46 AM

Coke. Makes my teeth hurt though

In Topic: Post your useless talents!

06 July 2012 - 06:44 AM

I can move one eye at a time, and I can do weird things with my legs (hypermobility). I have a friend with a way more impressive talent, if you say a word she can instantly say it backwards without even thinking about it. Many hours of fun was had at school challenging her with the longest words we could think of.

In Topic: Neopets Or Runescape?

06 July 2012 - 06:42 AM

Runescape was great before they introduced the Squeal of Fortune and micro transactions. Now people are buying their way to level 99s, which, considering Jagex takes such a tough line on gold farming websites, seems a bit ironic.