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Member Since 18 Jun 2012
Offline Apr 18 2013 04:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: So do some of you guys still go trick-or-treating?

28 October 2012 - 08:46 PM

I don't think anyone's necessarily "too old" to go trick or treating. But that said, I haven't done anything for Halloween other than answer the door and distribute candy to visitors for several years.

This year is only slightly different. I bought a few pumpkins to carve, mostly because I like to eat the seeds.

In Topic: Why do people think that nature is good?

17 August 2012 - 05:12 PM

I suppose I should try to weigh in on this since I spend a lot of my free time dicking around in forests and shit.

Gonna start by saying that I believe that both nature and humanity are neither fundamentally "good" nor fundamentally "bad." Both have their perks, both have their disadvantages. I think that a world strictly ruled by either would be totally bullshit.

Humanity and nature are neither good nor bad.

I believe that so many people idealize and romanticize nature because they've been isolated from it and they don't know much about it, or people have experienced it and have accepted it despite its perceived flaws. It's a bit like space. Space is beautiful, and we're all a part of space. But if you were to hitch a ride on a rocket and head up there, you might similarly find it very violent and barbaric as stars collapse and explode, lifeless balls of ice circle around clouds of gas, galaxies collide and eat each other, rocks slam into each other, and so-on. But even with all of this scary and dangerous activity, even though on earth we feel separated from it, space is still adored by many and we are and always have been a part of space.

I love nature. I think animals are fascinating and beautiful (yeah, even when they're dismembering each other), plants and fungi are majestic, rocks are varied and interesting, and so-on. But I also adore big cities, genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, and cameras in space.

I'd never take one over the other because I'm a greedy fuck who wants it both ways. I think a lot of that is reflected in my job, which often involves making compromises between nature and people or bending nature to meet the needs of people.

In Topic: Gluten Free Diet

17 August 2012 - 03:16 PM

I tried going gluten free for a few months just for shits and giggles.

I lost some weight but nothing else changed.

In Topic: Wheel of Extravagance - Daily Spins - 1 month - Progress

16 August 2012 - 09:46 AM

Day 19 - 100,001

Not many people are doing the wheel. =(

I think there may be a good reason for that.

In Topic: Fruit Machine

15 August 2012 - 11:01 PM

I won 5,000 np and a Spyder earlier today.

I think that's pretty good. The Spyder is worthless, but cute.