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Member Since 13 Jul 2012
Offline Apr 17 2013 11:51 AM

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In Topic: [Guide] Userscripts and Userstyles

13 July 2012 - 11:43 PM

Have a read of this thread. It should answer your first two questions.
As for the third, click on the arrow to the right of the greasemonkey icon and then click on "Bilge Dice autoplay." That will stop the script until you tick it and then refresh.

Thank you!
Very helpful, although I am unsure if the version in the thread linked is the same as the one here. I'll have to double check that.
Just from about 100 rounds... I calculated the odds of getting a ten win streak to be around 1 in 20,000... a daunting statistic especially since it's probably far less.

Here is a script that you might consider adding too, it's for Kiss the Mortog: http://userscripts.o...ts/review/56160

In Topic: [Guide] Userscripts and Userstyles

13 July 2012 - 02:22 PM

Hello, new member here. Apologies for bumping a page two topic but I figured it would be better than starting a new one.

I am looking to get the avatar for Bilge Dice lucky streak.
I installed grease monkey and the script.
It works just fine but I have some newb questions that I need help with.

Does the script automatically shut off after a certain period of time?
Is there a way to set the Ante you want?
How can I disable the script when I don't want it in use? (right now it has a "STOP AUTOPLAYER" when clicked changes to "Remove This" but they must be pressed incredibly fast to stop it from refreshing, and any subsequent action on Bilge Dice starts it up again.)

Help appreciated, thank you!