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Member Since 10 Feb 2013
Offline Dec 07 2017 03:24 PM

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Hi everyone! :)

18 June 2013 - 12:01 PM

I'm Rosie! I've been a member of this website for a while (I buy all my NC from here) but I've never posted on the forums so I thought I'd introduce myself :p


I'm a 21 year old musician who makes pizza for a living. I've played neopets for about 10 years on and off but I think this is the longest span of time I've ever played. I like making graphical layouts and css, so that's mostly what keeps bringing me back. I've also become addicted to NC trading.


I'm not a very talkative person so you might not see me around here much but I thought I'd say hello anyways haha. Hope everyone has a good day!