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Member Since 16 Jun 2013
Offline Nov 09 2014 05:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Guide] Food Club

24 June 2013 - 06:45 PM

I don't have such a old account so my profit was only 22k for the week but hey at least this does work.  How much can you make with a 11 year account a week estimated using this method?

In Topic: Score Sender concerns...

24 June 2013 - 06:44 PM

I use a greasemonkey script to SS the game avatars and i've never had any problems at all!

In Topic: Spanking and Other Forms of Punishment

23 June 2013 - 06:03 PM

I spank my two kids and I have no problem with them at all.  I have tried other various punishments such as calm methods as of praise and explaining situations out.  I grew up with a strict discipline in my life and I carry it over to my kids because I do not want them acting like other kids in their generation.  I do not believe in spanking my wife though, unless it was foreplay or something I guess but at a certain age discipline should be way more mature then that.

In Topic: Samsung or Apple

23 June 2013 - 05:59 PM

i prefer android and the performance of a Samsung phone and think it holds up over time.  I'm slightly biased in that I truly dislike Apple.

In Topic: Is the world better with or without religion?

23 June 2013 - 05:57 PM

I think the world is better with religion.  Mainly citing this because of the people that have it have faith in something and that alone truly makes them happy.  A discussion about a religion or cultural differences that stirs debate to me is often something that's just used as an excuse as anything else.  If people didn't fight about religion then they would something else.  I think as everyone evolves in life as a person, more often then not the gain faith in a God and that becomes a focal point of life.  From most of you, i'm not really surprised at all that many don't believe in anything and think the world would be better without religion but I think roughly half will change their opinion throughout the course of life.