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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Sep 15 2013 06:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Have drugs affected your schoolwork?

24 August 2013 - 04:23 PM

I had a bad experience with drinking heavily the first time so I haven't really tried it much since.  But pot is a nice way to relax on the weekends and chill with friends.  Shrooms are reserved for the summer, so I won't be doing those again for a while.  Oh yeah!  I tried my brother's Ritalin prescription of 25mg once before a term paper was due and I finished half of it in three hours.  But not really a party drug, more of a get your work finished before you're screwed.  You're fine if you're responsible to an extent.

In Topic: Do you support gay marriage??

07 August 2013 - 10:38 PM

Maybe I would just answer some shorter arguments. Later, when I have time, I will refer back to earlier longer arguments that others have proposed.



Wikipedia has at least been more objective than most of other news or personal websites. It usually have a lot of references to back up and offers both sides of views. I have challenged proponents of gay marriage to edit the wikipedia pages if they feel that their argument is so convincing and heavily supported. But I doubt it is going to happen in the near term. Even more fervish and qualified gay marriage supporters have not been able to do it until now.



Actually, that's yet another personal attack. Why would the country of the debater affect the debate? As you have point out, there's also LGBT movements in Singapore so we still get exposed to both sides of arguments.


For the effects of conversion therapy, actually you could quote a lot of references from that wikipedia page. Basically, the reference from the Huffington Post is similar to the cases of wikipedia page. The willingness of the person receiving the therapy is still being questioned. In the first case of conversion therapy and the case in Huffington Post, it is the parent that desires that the children or teenager to be changed but not the children or teenager having the desire to be changed.



Actually, it really depends on how you are using the wikipedia citations in schools and universities. In actual academic works, you are not supposed to use wikipedia links directly. Instead, you are supposed to look at the references that the wikipedia has referred to and read through those references and cite those references. But the essential content is still the same, just a different way of citation.

You touched a lot of subjects, but didn't actually post anything towards your argument apart from the teenager or child being unwilling.  I've still yet to see a reason backed up with actual proven facts that supports why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed

In Topic: Daily Dare 2013 SS dump

06 August 2013 - 01:03 AM

For Kookia? AAA's score is like 300k so 150k will definitely go through.


I meant 150k for Sorcerers' Skirmish

In Topic: Daily Dare 2013 SS dump

06 August 2013 - 12:24 AM

I kind of want to send a score of 150,000 on some random account with a different IP address and see if it goes through


And does anyone know a reasonable time?

In Topic: Updating Item Database for members under 500 posts

05 August 2013 - 09:03 PM

Lampwyck Stamp:600,000 NP:1,050,000 NP

General Kass (TCG):99,994 NP: Not in shops via SSW, cheapest on TP is 450,000 NP, but I believe you could haggle to 250,000 NP, I may be being generous however

Edna the Zafara Stamp:95,650 NP:230,000 NP

Moehog Warrior Body Armour:400,000 NP: 150,000 NP

Evening Draik Shoes:600,000 NP:450,000 NP

Elegant Uni Skirt:93,945 NP:300,000 NP

Faerie Queen Snowglobe:950,000 NP:825,000 NP

Young Sophie Plushie:600,000 NP:725,000 NP