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Member Since 17 Jul 2013
Offline Apr 07 2021 10:17 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Clumsy's Complete NC Mall Guide

13 August 2013 - 09:13 AM

Thanks for the guide! You seem super knowledgeable, so I have a question for you: Do you where I can find an exhaustive list of all possible items for current mystery capsules? I have been googling for 3 hours and NOTHING, they've all either been dead for years or just show the bonus items, not the regular possible items :C

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

07 August 2013 - 04:45 AM

Wow, this was a good day.

Pet1 is zapped... and she changes color to disco!

Pet2 is zapped... and she changes gender!
Pet2 is zapped... and he changes color to wraith!

In Topic: What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?

05 August 2013 - 08:13 PM

(EDIT: Well that sure didn't work, I have no idea how to embed a video here)

In Topic: Challenger Approching

05 August 2013 - 05:01 PM

:nana:  I welcome you with this outdated viral dancing fruit.

In Topic: The Relation Between a Substandard Childhood and Useless Adults

05 August 2013 - 04:00 PM

Another thing that should be factored in is the way we're using "useless" here. I'm seeing a lot of "violent, drug addicted, low intellect, low drive, has kids in teens" stuff, but just because someone managed to get through school, get a job, and contribute doesn't mean they aren't seriously suffering the effects of an abusive/neglectful upbringing.

My ex-girlfriend was beautiful, neat, talented, well-spoken, but only to figures of authority and coworkers. She excelled in school out of a feeling of impending doom, like the universe would end with a C. In private and with friends she's a WRECK. She's passive aggressive like it's an art form, cries hard and often (multiple times daily), has an eating disorder which ruined her metabolism and she's now very overweight, says "Sorry"  as a reflex so often that if they were gum wrappers I could wallpaper my apartment with them, she's messy and forgetful and thoughtless to how her actions effect others. She emotionally abused her best friend so badly he's filing a restraining order against her. She abuses vicodin. She's extremely suicidal and borderline alcoholic. 

Her parents never physically hurt her. She was just raised with the distinct undertone that she was unwanted, loved only out of a sense of duty. The unspoken rule was that she owed her parents perfection and to fail even slightly was to prove to them that she shouldn't have been given the chance to exist. Underneath her chaos she's really a sweet, lost person who craves affection and intimacy, but her issues make it a full-time job to love and care for her now.

Just another side of the story.