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Member Since 23 Jul 2013
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?

13 October 2016 - 09:15 AM


I've had this song stuck in my head for like a week gdi. So good.

In Topic: Why do you keep playing?

13 October 2016 - 09:03 AM

I haven't played in months. What took up maybe 25% of my day for around 12 years has been reduced to less than .1%, if at all. I'm honestly unsure whether or not I'm going to return, but I have a shell aging nicely for if I ever decide to. From what I've heard about the state of Neo right now there seems to be less and less to return to.


But what kept me playing for 12+ years? When I still had my childhood account, it was just the fact that I was so proud of it and wanted to keep improving it. Neo was just something I did. Logging on to play for an hour or two a day was once just a part of normal daily life for me.

In Topic: Favorite Neopets Memory

13 October 2016 - 08:36 AM

Oh man, let's see.

- Being 9 years old, my friend having just signed me up while she was over at my house. It was near Valentine's Day, and I remember there being cake involved.


- My mom becoming interested and eventually making her own account. We'd stay up all night together playing and talking Neopets. She would continue playing for the next 10 years, much like I did.


- Late nights when I was 13, putting my more important schoolwork aside to fulfill the insane amount of requests I'd receive for my graphics site that had exploded in popularity at the time. It was overwhelming to the point where it almost became a job in itself.


There's lots of other great memories, too. Man, this is making me all nostalgic. :( I miss when life was simple.

In Topic: What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?

09 June 2016 - 09:55 AM

In Topic: Tell me something good that happened to you today.

09 June 2016 - 09:49 AM

Not today but I made homemade sushi for the 4th time yesterday. Two maki rolls - crispy orange ginger tofu with red pepper, cukes and oyster sauce, and soy ginger marinated shrimp with homemade spicy mayo and cucumber, topped with a bit of whole wheat panko for crunch. I also managed a uramaki roll - buffalo chicken with lettuce and sweet chili sauce. I'm rarely pleased with anything I do as I always think I can do better but this shit was legit. It looked like something from a restaurant and it was so delicious it didn't need any soy for dipping.


I'm actually proud of myself right now. Damn.

this feels weird btw